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Spun Nylon / Spun Poly


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I have been making nets for a few years now, and I have to say that I am now a big fan of Spul Poly rather than Spun Nylon. I find Spun Poly easier and and crisper to work with. It is not stretchy like Spun Nylon so you dont kill your hands trying to pull it tight, and the nets don't stretch or twist.


I was just wandering if anyone knows where either of these come from or are manufactured? They cannot have been invented for ferreting nets, and so they must have some other main commercial use?


The people who make sheet nylon netting should get together with the people who make spun poly. I am sure there would be a fair demand for longnets / pursenets made from sheet Spun Poly netting as the catching ability and handling of Spun Poly is far superior thatn 6z nylon.

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