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ayrshire mate, im shattered this morning slept with one eye open but there all still there thank feck
am in ayrshire if u near ayr the shows there and a group of travelers got moved of the shows ground.think some of them over by the homebase garden center atb josie
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ayrshire mate, im shattered this morning slept with one eye open but there all still there thank feck
am in ayrshire if u near ayr the shows there and a group of travelers got moved of the shows ground.think some of them over by the homebase garden center atb josie



Only because I said it was my last post on another thread ("free heroin") that i'm saying it here.

So, if you get your dogs nicked they are probably "smackheads" ergo all travellers are "smackheads".

Thats the kind of logic some on here have.


I really hope you're safe man. You could always make an anoymouse phone call to the filth and say that there are two guys watching kids they'd soon dissapear .............bit extreme, especially if they're a couple of builders who just happen to work/like dogs.


Stay safe




Ning is the way forward

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Had a bloke stop me coming out the local shop couple of days ago and asked if I wa selling anymore ferrets, could of sworn I'd never met this bloke in my life, he was looking at me funny. So I said, why? have I sold some to you before, he said yes 3 years ago. Remembered then who it was. Is there anyway your's could be a similar situation? Hope you have no more problems though.

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ayrshire mate, im shattered this morning slept with one eye open but there all still there thank feck


Well I just hope they stay there...


And I hope you've got the kennels as secure as they possibly can be... Might be an idea to fit up some security lights or a simple alarm system?


Must admit Id always assumed dogs were burglar deterrents, not the targets. Comes from being brought up with mental collies I spose - "Yes mate, sure you tar spray the whole yard, but you'll have to get past the dog..." cue snarling ball of fur and teeth whistling past them at ear height :icon_eek:

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Could you house the dogs in the house for a few weeks to make sure they dont go missing?This way you can be a bit more happy knowing theyre not as velnerable.If all else fails the pund shops do little alarms not ideal but better than nothing also get a few big padlocks and link and old dog chain through them with a few bells on to lock the door and if they try to force it it will make a racket if moneys tight a wheelie bing and slabs whatevers handy in front of the kennel door will help and some random tin cans kicking round or anything that makes noise when its moved.Put down gravel in the garden where you would walk to the kennel cos this will make noise also.I really do hope your wrong but i think your not sounds pretty dodgy to me

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keep people aware of this e.g. neighbors . my house got burgald and its not nice !! i heard one of the best tips is to keep one of them rape alarm things ( when the pin comes out the top and a high pitched sound comes out ) tie a bit of line / string to the pin which should have a key ring on , and another bit of string to the alarm , put loops in the end of each bits of sting so it is easily hung and removable and put it between the door and its frame , so if the try getting in through the door it will wake you up and scare off the intruder , hope that helps . thanks , its just a cheaper option that a burlgar alarm

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I would suggest Keeping the dogs in side and the ferrets inside a locked barn. I used to keep my dog in the kennel when i first had her, but a few people started talking about my dog in the kennel so i kepp her inside now. With the ferrets, they're out of site and if someone strange put their hand in the cage, the polecat would soon have them. I know i just told my secret, but that's not the only method.

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Have you thought about trying these

might get one of those for myself!....... wonder if its worth just putting the signs up?

my tip....

get a halogen floodlight and set the pir sensor so it only goes of if someone comes into your yard/garden, simple i hear you say... but then i also have a not quite so bright light in my bedroom so if it goes off it wakes me up with a jump as well!

just drill a hole through wall and run wires from floodlight though to your bedroom and wire into a small light.


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if you cant afford a cctv system(and you can buy them pretty cheap these days)then buy a dummy camera and fit a cheap alarm system as has been suggested above.i hope youre wrong about this guy but i know what its like to have something of value taken and it isnt nice.take precautions.better safe than sorry

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Have you thought about trying these

might get one of those for myself!....... wonder if its worth just putting the signs up?

my tip....

get a halogen floodlight and set the pir sensor so it only goes of if someone comes into your yard/garden, simple i hear you say... but then i also have a not quite so bright light in my bedroom so if it goes off it wakes me up with a jump as well!

just drill a hole through wall and run wires from floodlight though to your bedroom and wire into a small light.


mate sorryn to here about this! hopefully he was a good fela, a mate of mine fits alarms and cctv but the good stuff are big money. he told me of a device you can get from bq or texas home base ect. its only a tenner!! there is a long thin cabble that has a croc clip in the one end you attach it to the kenal door out of sight! it leads to a alarm witch you can hide near buy, if the clip gets pulled or moved he recons the alarm will wake the hole street up including you and mabe scare off any crooks? hope this is of some help.

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