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no gun scent but baseball bat at the ready, im still sitting here and i aint loosing another dog i was young and single last time they got my bitch but they aint getting these. my kids love the dogs and if i have to use the bat the kids will get up and there dogs will be there in the morning. if i could just work out where he got my address. all that goes through my head is if he knew i had a dog for sale anyone else would phone and arrange to meet not just turn up on my doorstep and ask is there was dog for sale and me inviting the fecker in. CLOWN I AM

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  bucky said:
no gun scent but baseball bat at the ready, im still sitting here and i aint loosing another dog i was young and single last time they got my bitch but they aint getting these. my kids love the dogs and if i have to use the bat the kids will get up and there dogs will be there in the morning. if i could just work out where he got my address. all that goes through my head is if he knew i had a dog for sale anyone else would phone and arrange to meet not just turn up on my doorstep and ask is there was dog for sale and me inviting the fecker in. CLOWN I AM

could he gotten your address off someone off the site here that you gave it too.have a good think bucky and try think of anyone on here that was askin about the dog ,anyone from the village that might have heard you had a dog for sale.Did you seee what car he was driving or did he have a certain accent,did he mention anythin about where he was from or where he hunted or who he hunted with?

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i did give my address out in a private pm a while back when someone asked about the bitch and they said they were coming then said it was to far but i deleted the pm. the guy didnt have an accent that i could detect, the blinds were shut we he came to the door and my missus answered and said there was a guy about the dog for sale. i let him in let the patt out for him to see and he was more interested watching everything else in my garden he even spoke to my 5 yr old son and said he would be in touch before he checked the ferrets out. didnt leave his name or number or say what site he seen the ad. questions i should of asked i know but hind sight is a great thing. thats whats making me para

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Work out if youve ever given your address to anyone from here mate?


or if you have said youve got one to sale to other people with dogs in the area who you bump into...if i was you and possible id bring them indoors at night just to sleep like..and invest in some secruity of some sort for the future.

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iv never said to anyone here, i was thinking about that and i know i havent, but if i had surely he would have said so and so said you have a dog for sale. but my missus just said,. he asked have you a dog for sale he didnt say im here about the patt. just have you a dog for sale. and she shouted to me guy about the dog we pressumed it was the patt and iv just rememberd in my adds i put the price down but th he asked how much then said he would be in touch. FFS I SHOULD HAVE REALISED WHEN HE ASKED THE PRICE ALL ADDS HAD PRICE ON THEM

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get some strong coffee mix with red bull and be prepared for no sleep for the next 2 months, I know I wouldn't.. Also get some padlocks today and take the piss with security the more locks the longer it takes to nick 'em and the more noise they are likely to make. I genuinely hope everything turns out ok bucky. Another idea is by some flash bangs off the net pm me for the link set these babies up with trip cord. Let's put it this way if they set 'em off you'll find the buggers staggering around your yard confused and dazed ripe for a good hiding cost about £20 look on their mush priceless




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  events co-ordinator said:
  lurchers&terriers said:
where is it your from mate????? this is dodgy

Look at your avatar do you think it was coincidence he turned up just before the game you are giving out too many clues about you on an open site.


your right mate i hadnt even thought of that

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  Catcher 1 said:
  bucky said:
ok i will start, i was sitting getting ready for the rangers champions league game to start when there was a chap at the door and the missus answered it, as the football was about to start, and this man asked if there was a dog for sale. so she gave me a shout i went to the door (and not him but the missus said guy about the dog for sale) , so instead of asking what dog i just said patterdale, as i have her up for sale, he said yes so i invited him through and showed him the bitch but also my lurchers he took a good look around and said he would get back to me about the terrier and then started asking about the ferrets so i showed him the ferrets and then he left saying he would be in touch. i know yous are all thinking stupid cnut but its not like me when someone phones i arrange to meet them somewhere else but this guy just turned up at the door no phone call nothing, so it was sprung on me him turning up knowing my address. what you guys think im para as fcuk now in case i get up and iv been emptied out



Hes a Celtic fan ha ha ha Catcher


You mean theres more than one!!!!????????????







Ning Ning

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  Swampy said:
  Catcher 1 said:
  bucky said:
ok i will start, i was sitting getting ready for the rangers champions league game to start when there was a chap at the door and the missus answered it, as the football was about to start, and this man asked if there was a dog for sale. so she gave me a shout i went to the door (and not him but the missus said guy about the dog for sale) , so instead of asking what dog i just said patterdale, as i have her up for sale, he said yes so i invited him through and showed him the bitch but also my lurchers he took a good look around and said he would get back to me about the terrier and then started asking about the ferrets so i showed him the ferrets and then he left saying he would be in touch. i know yous are all thinking stupid cnut but its not like me when someone phones i arrange to meet them somewhere else but this guy just turned up at the door no phone call nothing, so it was sprung on me him turning up knowing my address. what you guys think im para as fcuk now in case i get up and iv been emptied out



Hes a Celtic fan ha ha ha Catcher


You mean theres more than one!!!!????????????








Yes you old swamp dog :D theres me and a few others over the globe :yes: .And we all ning Walk On :toast: Catcher








Ning Ning

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