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Now then airgunners, went for a walk tonight, so I thought I'd take my HW100T along for company :D , its been a while since I was at the bull pasture, purely because I've been busy with other things, so parked the car at the gate way well away from the trees, last time I parked under the trees the wood pigeons took there revenge :D Not that I buy my cars for their sheen, they only need a floor and a roof to keep the rain off :D A quick leap over the hedge see's me getting sorted, a sweep with the scope shows pockets of bunnies out in the open, not a good prospect for sneaking up on them with out being seen, but thats the challenge today ;) So its off to one end of this very large feild, its like a horse shoe shape, if you aproach the inside of the horse shoe you will more than likely be seen, and half the field will do one in to the hawthorns, so I like to do a wide sweep on the outside of the horse shoe, a steady strole later and the first group of bunnies are nearly in range, so now its time to get down and crawl in to striking distance, once in range I had the choice of five to take out, so I decided to go for the biggest one, like you do :) Got it pinned in the sights, just about to pull the trigger and it jumped up in the air, ran half a circle out in the field and disapeared into the bushes :o So I lined up one of the others, whack! and a young'un bites turf :) I love that first one, you know you cant blank then :D The others scattered, so a move was called for, the bunnies were quite skittish on here, dont know why? it was hard to get close enough to them to make a crawl worth it, but patience again paid off with a group of three with one nice buck in the middle, guess which one I wanted, pushing my way through the grass I elbowed a twig, SNAP! and off they went :angry: So another walk was in order, rabbits were scattering before I had a chance to get near :angry: So I came up on another group of small bunsters, bolt upright I took a shot at the nearest one, whack! It looked like Rooney taking a deciding header for England in the world cup :D and then there were two, due to a late start I decided not to stop for anything small, so half way around the pasture was this big buck sat on guard, you know the ones that are sat bolt upright, a slow drop to the floor and its game on :) being weary about twigs I got him in range, whack! and he's cock up in the grass, I picked him up and started to paunch him, while I was doing this I thought I could here a low rumble, f**K me its the mongs having a tearup and down the field, and by are these boys big now :o So I gathered my haul up, and left them to tw@t about on their own, I cant believe how big they have grown in the last few weeks, there will be some fine burgers from these big boys :clapper: so end score is three, what I did notice was a nice little corner ;) to longnet, so next visit I may take the net




Keep at them folks!



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