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home at last

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Just got in finaly finished my tour of afgan 5 dead 1 amputee and a hell of a lot in hospital or seeing the head shrink,what a f*****g waste ,killed a lot of taliban but changed f**k all,started out as a war on terrorist but its slowly been changed to "helping the local people inprove they lifes and help the stability of the country "BOLLOCKS rest of the lads should be back in the next few weeks as some have had there tour extended as not enough squaddies out there also heared the coldstream guards have been fast balled and are getting ready to go next month merry christmas to them.added a link to a few photos should have a few good videos in the next couple of weeks as well if anyone is intrested ,if you check out the photos the grenade i have in my mouth was thrown by myself 3 days ago and killed 2 taliban when they tryed to ambush us f*****g shit myself, the RAF wouldnt let me bring them back to get them mounted :gunsmilie: sorry.Will be reading 6 months of back posts with my crate of strongbow. :notworthy:


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Nice to hear your home safe. Our nephew is out there at the moment, due home in a couple of weeks. We've been sending out goody bags each week, but I'm not sure if that helps him at all.


Drink some beer and relax mate. You deserve it.

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