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Free Heroin!!

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Some really interesting replys to this thread......and a lot of them obviously from the heart.


See, my problem with it all is this, I cant believe this "If you cant beat em then just give in to them" attitude.


This country and the world in general has become a lot more accepting of most things in the last 60 or 70 years......some would call it progress, I call it a complete break down of society.


The more we accept the more morally bankrupt society becomes........I cant help but feel that if there were a few more cold hearts about, society would not be in the trouble its in ;)


We should condem more and forgive less........JMHO of course

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Some really interesting replys to this thread......and a lot of them obviously from the heart.


See, my problem with it all is this, I cant believe this "If you cant beat em then just give in to them" attitude.


This country and the world in general has become a lot more accepting of most things in the last 60 or 70 years......some would call it progress, I call it a complete break down of society.


The more we accept the more morally bankrupt society becomes........I cant help but feel that if there were a few more cold hearts about, society would not be in the trouble its in ;)


We should condem more and forgive less........JMHO of course



Well said! :good:

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Some really interesting replys to this thread......and a lot of them obviously from the heart.


See, my problem with it all is this, I cant believe this "If you cant beat em then just give in to them" attitude.


This country and the world in general has become a lot more accepting of most things in the last 60 or 70 years......some would call it progress, I call it a complete break down of society.


The more we accept the more morally bankrupt society becomes........I cant help but feel that if there were a few more cold hearts about, society would not be in the trouble its in ;)


We should condem more and forgive less........JMHO of course


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long gone are the days when they threw you in jail and you had no option but to dry out and lie on the piss stained matress with your fifth hand blankets, whether the addiction be drink or drugs.today,thanks to your civil liberties,you just have to put your hands up to being a junkie and they will give you your medication ,continental quilt,portable telly,freeview for a small charge ,built in radio,flushing toilet,hot and cold running water,£35 a week wages plus 3 square meals a day,who would want to dry out,country's fecked

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The more we accept the more morally bankrupt society becomes........I cant help but feel that if there were a few more cold hearts about, society would not be in the trouble its in ;)


We should condem more and forgive less........JMHO of course


That about hits the nail on the head mate :thumbs: the problem being is that we have been marched to far down the road of apathy and acceptance, political correctness is rife and we accept whatever we are told without a whimper. IMHO this goverment would love to have a country full of bagheads who will quite happily keep voting labour to ensure their free heroin keeps flowing.


Whatever next? crackheads suing the goverment for the right to free rocks? Smackheads parents suing the goverment cause little johhny has overdosed on his brown? lessons in junior schools on how to cut prepare and shoot up?


IMHO we need to either legalise and tax the whole lot or make a concerted effort to eradicate drugs from the british Isles, ie, jailing anyone found withg any form of drug in there possession for a substancial amount of years and hanging dealers, never gonna happen though s it?


atvb Richard

Edited by arcticgun
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An interesting read,and i can see both sides of the argument.

I guess if you have had bad experiences with the use of the drug then you will have negative thoughts and make negative comments,conversley if you have seen positive results from rehab programmes or other programmes then you will comment more positively?

I thankfully have had never come into contact with users of this drug,at least to the best of my knowledge i haven't.


One thing i will comment on is the 'breakdown of society'.

When folk had nothing to steal there was less being stolen,now we are better off and have nice things of value,things are stolen. Its greed,greed for money and power and a need to feel better than others or to 'fit in' with others.

'Peer pressure'. Now theres an interesting quote!

And here's an interesting example.

I was recently on holiday and bumped into a few old friends. Now my holiday had no time schedule to it and no fixed or planned places to go,it was basically a road trip. Me and my girl on the road with the camping gear doing whatever.

So these friends invited us to their place and we went and had a few beers,caught up on years gone by,blah blah,blah.


Fairly soon one of the group starts knocking a joint up and it gets passed around.

When it comes to my turn i poltely refuse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The looks on everyones faces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You would think i'd just took a dump in the middle of the floor.

There then followed an exchange of words as to why i should have a smoke. Things like 'come on man,lighten up', or how about, 'get in the zone' or 'you got to get on the same level'.

To which i replied 'bollox'.

I dont need those kinds of drugs to feel good about myself. Ok it was only a joint,but actually it wasn't just a joint. I made a choice to be what i am,to behave how i behave. And like i said to the group,i dont need to feel like i belong to something or that i am a part of something.

I think its sad that people feel the need to conform to a certain way of life,just because their mates do it. I also think its bollox that others feel the need to draw others into their way life regardless of the fact that they are knowingly enticing a friend into something which is harmful and potentially lethal (in the case of hard drugs).

If we really cared about people,friends and family we wouldnt try to bring them into scenarios that are harmful to them,and that is where the real problem lies. People in society just dont care anymore, i don know why and i dont have the answers. All i know is that the older i get the more i see it,or the more aware i am of it.

Im not going to preach to anyone,all i know is that i see a lot of apathy from people towards others who are less fortunate than others.

I try to do my little bit,i sponsor a childs education in another country,i donate to a dog rescue place,i've recently helped out a few people with money,i pop in on a couple of neighbours who are les able than me. Why???? To be honest,just because i can. It costs me very little in money or time and i think its appreciated by the few folk ive helped.

Im never going to change peoples lives immeasurably,but if i can ease the burden in just a tiny way then i think its worth it??????




Not sure if im ninging?


but im sure chang-ning.

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One fact that further compounds this sad and socially destructive issue is that there are tens of thousands of British and yank troops on the ground in Afghanistan and Pakistan and nothing is done.


We all know how simple it would be to wipe out the problem using a military solution but nothing is done. The reason for this is because we (UK and USA) have installed a completely corrupt regime which is heavily involved in the opium trade. This tends to happen quite often throughout history where the US have geopolitical interests (Panama, Mexico, Colombia, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Laos, Afghanistan) and usually has the CIA's fingerprints all over it.


We'll never be free of Heroin in my opinion.


Disgraceful. :censored:

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By giving them the heroin by presription,issued by a GP,wouldn`t it cut down on crime associated with drug abuse?.Wouldn`t it make the local "crack house" shut down?.Wouldn`t it put the local "hard man dealer" out of business?.Just a thought.If a person is stupid enough to try the stuff in the first place they are no use to society anyway so let them get on with it,without having to rob my shed,because in the end they get what they deserve.

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