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strange orange light

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theres a brillient you tube one, an alien cracks out of a meteorite and 'they were never heard of again'..


another is air force bace personel go and check out a big bang noise, there in the 'woodland' hight is what looks like a red light no less (lol looked like my mate with his logan lamp to me but oh well) these guys get it on the radio and start fretting... very poor as evidence..


the best exsplanation to date has to be the USAF secret guy ''ok, so how to you keep it secret when you've just informed a few thousand people that the secret flight test is on yuesday 10.15pm, it'll be flying from..... and too...''

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the wrst thing about alien abductions is when they leave theye kids in you... i had one for almost a week, gut bloated the works, kicking the lot....finaly the labour pains started, several minutes later i gave birth...nearly half a loo roll though hehehehe...


there was a really good oe from russia, best camra gear on a boarder watch....they freeked at it, only....some guy actualy stood there inflating baloons one by one and released them..dohhhh pixalation made the thing.


the general conspiricy thing in the States is the USA are fighting a war in space to hold off aliens using the Teslar knowladge to build a ray gun... meanwhile the deal is the aliens want bio mass in exchange for tecnology, it goes on a bit but the punch line is america has 8000 concentration camps in america alone, the scare tactiques go like this ''what do they need them for? and have you seen the sstealth planes and things? they arnt from this planet!'' yeh yeh, first off there's WW2 film footage of those same designs in actual working order, just like quite a few 'weird things' well ahead of their time, we bombed it imidiatly...as in nipped it in the bud lol.

the concentration camp issue's........ in state of war (WW2 for example) they imprioned all foreign types of the nationalities they were at war with...think about it, thousands of 'germans,japanese etc' in your country while your over there killing their families?...

the bigest hint is why hasnt any other nation had sightings...or lets face it bio mass is humans dohhhh.... if yu wanted to buy bio mass would you go to america? or india?... or places people wouldnt ask where everones gone?


who know's....doo do doo do... the twighlite zone.

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the wrst thing about alien abductions is when they leave theye kids in you... i had one for almost a week, gut bloated the works, kicking the lot....finaly the labour pains started, several minutes later i gave birth...nearly half a loo roll though hehehehe...


there was a really good oe from russia, best camra gear on a boarder watch....they freeked at it, only....some guy actualy stood there inflating baloons one by one and released them..dohhhh pixalation made the thing.


the general conspiricy thing in the States is the USA are fighting a war in space to hold off aliens using the Teslar knowladge to build a ray gun... meanwhile the deal is the aliens want bio mass in exchange for tecnology, it goes on a bit but the punch line is america has 8000 concentration camps in america alone, the scare tactiques go like this ''what do they need them for? and have you seen the sstealth planes and things? they arnt from this planet!'' yeh yeh, first off there's WW2 film footage of those same designs in actual working order, just like quite a few 'weird things' well ahead of their time, we bombed it imidiatly...as in nipped it in the bud lol.

the concentration camp issue's........ in state of war (WW2 for example) they imprioned all foreign types of the nationalities they were at war with...think about it, thousands of 'germans,japanese etc' in your country while your over there killing their families?...

the bigest hint is why hasnt any other nation had sightings...or lets face it bio mass is humans dohhhh.... if yu wanted to buy bio mass would you go to america? or india?... or places people wouldnt ask where everones gone?


who know's....doo do doo do... the twighlite zone.



Did you have a girl or a boy :laugh:

Edited by stealthy1
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No idea what this is i spotted it from inside the house , so took a pic , it was very bright orange almost like a ball of fire then it seemed to just fade & vanish

it moved very quickly as well


I havent taken anything illegal, i am not in need of sectioning or generally of unsound mind :laugh::laugh:



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the general conspiricy thing in the States is the USA are fighting a war in space to hold off aliens using the Teslar knowladge to build a ray gun... meanwhile the deal is the aliens want bio mass in exchange for tecnology, it goes on a bit but the punch line is america has 8000 concentration camps in america alone, the scare tactiques go like this ''what do they need them for? and have you seen the sstealth planes and things? they arnt from this planet!'' yeh yeh, first off there's WW2 film footage of those same designs in actual working order, just like quite a few 'weird things' well ahead of their time, we bombed it imidiatly...as in nipped it in the bud lol.

the concentration camp issue's........ in state of war (WW2 for example) they imprioned all foreign types of the nationalities they were at war with...think about it, thousands of 'germans,japanese etc' in your country while your over there killing their families?...

the bigest hint is why hasnt any other nation had sightings...or lets face it bio mass is humans dohhhh.... if yu wanted to buy bio mass would you go to america? or india?... or places people wouldnt ask where everones gone?


who know's....doo do doo do... the twighlite zone.


Everybody knows Americans are paranoid... just like everybody knows the aliens have already landed, took one look at us lot, and spontaneously combusted... :whistling:


As for concentration camps... I wonder where they got that idea from? :no:

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think the brits in the bowa war thought them up...alng with putting all kids and women in the church to burn the untorchered ones? lolol....but we dont wanna know about that.


now then when we were kids there was a weird light used to come in winter..people would aimlesly walk to it then disapeer for hours, weird thing the nect evening they come back...all weird n zombie like... we later got the nerve up to investagate, think it was about 12p into town back then hahahaha

Edited by ghillies
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think the brits in the bowa war thought them up...alng with putting all kids and women in the church to burn the untorchered ones? lolol....but we dont wanna know about that.


now then when we were kids there was a weird light used to come in winter..people would aimlesly walk to it then disapeer for hours, weird thing the nect evening they come back...all weird n zombie like... we later got the nerve up to investagate, think it was about 12p into town back then hahahaha



Maybe they were just going to a rave :D

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