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I have a question

Guest Scuba1

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I was pondering the other day about these non stick frying pans and pots. We are told by the people that make and sell these high tech cooking utensils that they are non stick. If they where non stick, how does the stuff stay in the pot or pan. It should just follow the first pancake when it gets tossed over and end up on top of it. So as it does not fall out of the pan, this non stick stuff clearly isn't. Is it a case of misleading advertising that everyone just accepts or could the makers /sellers of those pots get done for it or could we have a case here for an out of court settlement and that way get a few new stick pots and pans on the cheap??


What do you think. Are we on a winner here or not ???





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michael i have conducted a small experiment.


i placed 2 non stick frying pans on the kitchen floor....then stood in them.


when i went to walk forward the pans stayed still and i just walked out of them !!!!


so it appears the makers claims are correct.


i suspect it may have somthing to do with that "gravity" stuff that sir issac newton invented ??????





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Guest lurchers&terriers
I was pondering the other day about these non stick frying pans and pots. We are told by the people that make and sell these high tech cooking utensils that they are non stick. If they where non stick, how does the stuff stay in the pot or pan. It should just follow the first pancake when it gets tossed over and end up on top of it. So as it does not fall out of the pan, this non stick stuff clearly isn't. Is it a case of misleading advertising that everyone just accepts or could the makers /sellers of those pots get done for it or could we have a case here for an out of court settlement and that way get a few new stick pots and pans on the cheap??


What do you think. Are we on a winner here or not ???




my mother bought me one for 30 quid what i mo0ved in to my new place. it lasted about 2 weeks before stuff started sticking. i bought one from asda a smart price one for 2.50 and still use it a year after



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highly toxcic non stick frying pans or anything should be avoided as much as poss. When the coating starts to come off in the food you cook it then ends up in your body, where it stays as it cannot be removed or broken down by the body's defences. It isn't proven but scientist believe it causes illness.


On a lighter note I'm just off to fry the mrs an egg butty....... in a non stick frying pan :whistling: Double egg love????

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michael i have conducted a small experiment.


i placed 2 non stick frying pans on the kitchen floor....then stood in them.


when i went to walk forward the pans stayed still and i just walked out of them !!!!


so it appears the makers claims are correct.


i suspect it may have somthing to do with that "gravity" stuff that sir issac newton invented ??????






Thats were you are wrong ...... you see the black stuff sticks in the pan like shit to a woolly blanket and it should not as it is supposed to be non stick.





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