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Belgium malinois cross

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we had the gsd/greyhounds but has any one seen Belgium malinoisxgreyhounds work all herd of them work if they have I like to see some photos of this cross to see what they look like if they are any good as a lurcher let me know



Edited by fordie
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i should think they will work fine if brought on right mate i worked a alsation for a good few years ferreting and he was spot on very steady and alert and obedience was great and from what i hear the police are now favoring the belgium malinois for their trainability

Edited by derbypoacher
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That is a great avatar, where did you find it? I have been looking for good coursing artwork.


As to your initial question, I came across a whippet x belgian shepherd at a dog show once. It wasn't really a lurcher since it was a product of an accidental mating but it looked essentially like a long haired whippet. Very obedient as well.



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