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Guest lampinlass

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Guest lampinlass
Good story Lampinlass :clapper:

Here is one i once posted a while back on the Minshaw thread.Who said only men could do it :11:


I am the long suffering wife of Andy Super Dogs and i want to share a story with you.I first went lamping with Andy back in 1989 when i was pregnant with our first son.I wanted to see for myself "What all the fuss was about".After walking in the pitch black dark over numerous fields we saw our first rabbit.Andy shone the lamp and Bulpa ran down the beam,my adrenaline was running high and all i wanted to do was shout but i had already been told to be quiet.Then Bulpa caught the rabbit and brought it back to us.That was when i finally realised exactly "what all the fuss WAS about".On the way home we walked the road way as i was finding it difficult to climb over fences,when a police car headed towards us.Andy then quickly jumped over a wall and left me standing there alone,pregnant and carrying a rabbit.They must have thought that i had escaped from somewhere.Now 17 years and 5 children later my first lamping experience hasnt put me off as i still occasionally go lamping and i still get the same adrenaline rush.Now i know that once that moon goes down and the wind is howling,exactly whats instore in our house that black week.Luckily for Andy weve got 4 sons who are as daft as him about dogs and lamping.They have told him that when he is to old to lamp himself they will take him in a wheelchair and push him around the fields,but ive made them promise me that if a police car comes just to run and leave him there.... Ah revenge is sweet.



i could just picture the wheelchair in the middle of a field :11:

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Brilliant thread.

Mine is a bit of a haze now (terrible memory) but i can remember just how proud i was of my dog. She hadnt been on a big nights lamping before and she really did me proud my chest was bursting with pride. The men were complimenting her all night and even renamed her the black death :D The electricity that night was amazing. I was texting my sister out of bed the whole night everytime she did something else :laugh:

I can remember the first time i went out totally on my own better, mainly because that was the first time i was completely aware of everything going on around me, the first time i had that total peripheral vision and hearing, a sixth sense even. You are concentrating so hard and your adrenolin is pumping that time absolutley flies and you cannot believe how long you have been out and just how tired you are when you stop.

Oooo i just cant wait till Sept, i might have to have a sneaky look somewhere local soon :D


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Guest lampinlass

Here's another one for you (before the ban) :D

Dodger and his hunting partner (well i say hunting partner he does'nt go out as much as he used to) was off to take the dogs out for a run i decided to go with them as they were only supposed to be going out for an hour or two, but by the end of the night we must have been out for at least six hours.

It was absolutley pouring down we had three dogs with us and i must say what a night we had :rolleyes:One of the dogs was slipped and i had hold of one of the others it was that determined to get off the lead and in on the chase it was dragging me everywhere, i was struggling to keep hold of him he was an absolute power house :showoff: the next thing i was getting dragged face first across this soggy plough :shok::shok:,the best thing was when i finally caught up with dodger and his hunting partner they were P*****G themselves at the state i was in as i was black from head to toe :haha: :11: :11:

After a couple of hours lamping we decided to head back to the car putting a few bunnies in the bag on the way

It was a great night we caught about 7 hares and a good few rabbits :clapper:

As we approached the motorway we took the wrong exit off the roundabout :whistle:due to it adding more time on to our journey dodger decides to reverse back down the motorway to get back on track :icon_eek::icon_eek: :wacko:

So now on route after about half an hour of driving we noticed we had the boys in blue on our tail they must have been following us for about 15 minutes before pulling us over as the copper got out of the car and came over to the drivers side another car and a van came from the opposite direction.Whilst dodger was took to the car behind getting questioned three of the coppers came over to the car and asked where we've been and why then explained to us that there was a car of the same description as ours been involved in a serious incident near a hospital even though we'd told them that we had'nt been in that area they was still adament that our car was the one involved.

Dodger who was still in the car behind at this point getting questioned was unaware of the tale that we was being told

After about an hour and all the questions and them mooching around the car one of them said we could do her for theft of a tonne of mud :11: :11: they then sent us on our way.

But now if dodger ever gets pulled the discription of the car always comes up as......... due the evening out above :ph34r: :ph34r:

Edited by lampinlass
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Brilliant thread.

Mine is a bit of a haze now (terrible memory) but i can remember just how proud i was of my dog. She hadnt been on a big nights lamping before and she really did me proud my chest was bursting with pride. The men were complimenting her all night and even renamed her the black death :D The electricity that night was amazing. I was texting my sister out of bed the whole night everytime she did something else :laugh:

I can remember the first time i went out totally on my own better, mainly because that was the first time i was completely aware of everything going on around me, the first time i had that total peripheral vision and hearing, a sixth sense even. You are concentrating so hard and your adrenolin is pumping that time absolutley flies and you cannot believe how long you have been out and just how tired you are when you stop.

Oooo i just cant wait till Sept, i might have to have a sneaky look somewhere local soon :D


:yes: Theirs nothng else that even comes close to being out wth the lamp and your dog, and nothing else is there? :clapper:

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Good read there :good::good:

That Dodgers a right F*$KER getting you into trouble like that :11: :11: :11:

He should be a good lad like me and run on full written permission all the time :yes::yes: ................................ :icon_redface: :ph34r: :ph34r: :whistle: :whistle: :laugh::laugh:


All the best Tommy ;);)

:D I,ve alway,s had the knack of showin the women a good time :11:

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Great thread, although i wish i could borrow some of this sixth sense everyone else seems to have, i get that involved in lamping i once had a keeper drive right up behind me in a landrover(on a still night!!!) just as i was about to slip on a big fella and let a shotgun go right near me, i didnt even know he was there till i heard the bang lol, i fecking shit me'sen.

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Great thread, although i wish i could borrow some of this sixth sense everyone else seems to have, i get that involved in lamping i once had a keeper drive right up behind me in a landrover(on a still night!!!) just as i was about to slip on a big fella and let a shotgun go right near me, i didnt even know he was there till i heard the bang lol, i fecking shit me'sen.

:icon_eek: :11:

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same thing happened to me i was looking at some deer on the edge of a woods with my dog and lamp lol keeper came into the field followed me with the brightest lamp ive ever seen and fired a shot im guessing it was just up in the air. scary tho never run so fast in my life.

Edited by blando
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:11: ive had a keeper go about 2 mile an hour past me whilst ive been layed in the edge craping myselft all i could hear was his alsation goin mad in the back :whistle: wene he went i made my way to the road and got about 2mins from my house wene i heard a 4x4 pull a skid behind me :blink: he got his alsatoin out the back and started goin mad sayin next time he will let his dog off, and the best thing was his big alsation was wagging its tail trying to lick me :blink: :11:

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