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Guest lampinlass

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Guest lampinlass

As its a bit quiet on here at the moment i thought i'd share my first lamping experince (before the ban) with you all :D


It was the middle of september a few years ago now,when dodger decided it would be a good idea to go camping for the weekend,i thought to myself camping :wacko: it was september and the weather was'nt brilliant but i went with it anyway :blink:

As we was getting everything in the car ready to go i saw him sneaking the lamp into the back :whistle: i did'nt say anything as i thought hes bringing it just in case we needed it,then out came our old dog nipper he was beardie/bordie/greyhound x wheaton/whippet/greyhound he also dived into the back of the car.

We finally got there and got the tent and everything sorted,dodger said "do you fancy coming for a walk with nipper" i was a bit hesitant as it was nearly pitch black by this point but he had the lamp anyway so off we went up the caravan park before i knew it i was over a stile and in the field :icon_eek: .

Dodger could'nt resist but to have a shine, he scanned a large field what was split into three individual ones by hedges with one single pathway leading through all three and there at the end of the beam was two sets of eyes,dodger then slipped nipper and after a few turns a rabbit was in the bag,nipper was slipped again on another rabbit but this one knew were it was going and made its escape.

So we walked a little further and made our way up into the middle field from here he lamped the top field there it was the site we all know and love to see,it was a hare sat tight,nipper had'nt clocked it as dodger illiminated it with the lamp but he explained to me that if nipper was slipped he would run to the end of the beam no matter what the distance,so we made are way closer to get into the same field.

So away he went and it was'nt long before he started making ground when the hare rose "RACE ON".I did'nt expect what was to unfold infront of me.Dodger said "this is a good hare" as the hare was now being hard pushed by nipper it was trying to shake nipper off by running in 360 mode,im sure we have all experienced these races were strong hares run in constant circles to shake off the pursuer.

Then the hare just picked up a gear and headed towards the hedge and made its way through into the middle field where we had first slipped from,nipper was still in hot persuit :clapper: but dodger had to run like linford to keep up with the race :11:as dodger made it to the hedge nipper must have turned the hare back towards the hedge because no sooner had dodger got there,the hare came back into the field with nipper hot on its tail,so the race was on again for dodger as back up the field he ran :laugh::rofl: by this point nipper had this strong hare in serious trouble at the top corner of the field.

Just as i was thinking to myself this is why he makes so much fuss over the dogs i.e feeding, cleaning, walking etc strolling in at crazy times :rolleyes::diablo: i now understand.

Then it happened,all i heard was a BIG BANG i did'nt know what it was at first,but when dodger turned the lamp off just as nipper was about to send the big chap to his maker i knew something was wrong, he said F*****G RUN :shout: a landrover had pulled up at were the run was taking place,the bang was the bar of the gate opening before we knew it the landrover was in the field.I could'nt believe it from us watching nipper run in the lamp it was now are turn we was being hunted by a great big F*****G landrover which had us locked in there beam :shok::icon_eek::icon_eek: dodger shouted "just head for the stile" i thought the stile, its three F*****G fields away :o after we got into the middle field i cried out "i cant run anymore" dodger replied "you've got know choice".I was running the best i could feeling i was gunna drop any minute,only staying on my feet through dodger literally dragging me,we finally got to the stile due to the landrover having to slow down on the pathway to get past the hedges.Once over the stile all i was thinking was getting back to the tent were we would be safe :unsure::unsure: only forgetting that our tent was situated right on the opposite side of the hedge, i was absolutley crapping myself i could here the landrover going up and down the hedge, nipper was still panting sounding like a steam train i thought there going to here us and all dodger could say was "did'nt nipper run well if i did'nt have to turn the lamp off it would have been in the bag but it was a good hare it deserved to get away" i could'nt even anwser him due to my heart nearly crashing through my chest but thinking is that all you can say :realmad: :realmad:

At the time it was'nt funny but now i can have a good laugh about it :11:

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Good read there :good::good:

That Dodgers a right F*$KER getting you into trouble like that :11: :11: :11:

He should be a good lad like me and run on full written permission all the time :yes::yes: ................................ :icon_redface: :ph34r: :ph34r: :whistle: :whistle: :laugh::laugh:


All the best Tommy ;);)

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Guest lampinlass
Great story lampinlass,as you may have read i've been in the same situation many a time,bit scary at the time but funny as f**k now,good to see your enthusiam hasn't been dampened and your still as keen as ever.Cheers Andy. ;)


To be honest :11: i would'nt say im to keen in getting chased around the fields Andy i'd much rather go on permission :D Plus dodger says i slow him down anyway :diablo: once he even took me on a great big heavy plough to try and put me off :o im sure i put a couple of stone on in the process :11: and nearly lost a boot :laugh: but still did'nt put me off he just says now you do what your good at and have the dog food ready for when i get in :chair:

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Guest lampinlass
Good read there :good::good:

That Dodgers a right F*$KER getting you into trouble like that :11: :11: :11:

He should be a good lad like me and run on full written permission all the time :yes::yes: ................................ :icon_redface: :ph34r: :ph34r: :whistle: :whistle: :laugh::laugh:


All the best Tommy ;);)

:11: Tommy

When you and dodger go for a run and if you end up in a field like the one above keep your ears to the ground. :11:

But there won,t be any problems as you always go on permission :angel::D

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Lampinlass you did better than most, i've been with some lads that froze at the first sign of bother. These are usually the type that brag at shows or the boozer etc that they go anywhere 'they' want :laugh::laugh::laugh: That usually means public footpaths and waste ground :11: :11:

Ears to the ground !!!! I've now got 'hearing' that can pick up a land rover or irate farmer :realmad: from miles away :laugh::laugh: My lugs are like mini satelite dishes :rofl::yahoo:


All the best Tommy ;);)

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Guest lampinlass
Lampinlass you did better than most, i've been with some lads that froze at the first sign of bother. These are usually the type that brag at shows or the boozer etc that they go anywhere 'they' want :laugh::laugh::laugh: That usually means public footpaths and waste ground :11: :11:

Ears to the ground !!!! I've now got 'hearing' that can pick up a land rover or irate farmer :realmad: from miles away :laugh::laugh: My lugs are like mini satelite dishes :rofl::yahoo:


All the best Tommy ;);)

Is it thundering/lightening your way tommy its crazy here :D:clapper::clapper: i feel sorry for dodger hes still down there building that new run he was on about :11:

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It has been earlier this afternoon !!! :icon_eek:

I bet he's soaked :D:D

Tell him he lives in the wrong place, The sun always shines in Yorkshire :laugh::laugh::rofl::rofl:

He'll know what i mean :laugh::laugh::laugh:


p.s don't repeat his reply on here though it'll probably contain to much strong language :D:D


All the best Tommy ;);)

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