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just starting out info please

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Know your weapon. And also know that for say a 243, if you pull that shot by what would be a few inches at 100 yards, it can travel several hundred, assuming there's no backstop. You NEED a backstop, and this isn't "know your weapon", it's "don't be a muppet".

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hi all i have been shooting with air rifles for quite a few years and went away from the sport for some time and now am interested in getting my fac and am looking at which rifle people reccomend and pro and cons of each caliber along with if any pro and cons with rim and centre fire







Have you thought of joining a rifle club, it might be an ideal,opportunity to undestand and learn more about rifles,safety etc.

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just to clear the 30 degree thing up:


it is only relevant as a maximum range, the projectile will reach the maximum distance( optimal escape from gravity,optimal air resistance).

if one knows this then shooting of birds aloft and unloading with the muzzle up...........


i do not think that anybody is of the opinion that the .177 is of lesser power than a .22 having read the posts again?


if you read the british standard for cabinets/safes then you can see what you need to do. if in doubt then buy one mate, they are not easy to build unless you have the right kit.


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Know your weapon. And also know that for say a 243, if you pull that shot by what would be a few inches at 100 yards, it can travel several hundred, assuming there's no backstop. You NEED a backstop, and this isn't "know your weapon", it's "don't be a muppet".


With all respect Mr L, it's "Don't wind up in court facing a 10 stretch for manslaughter."


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hi all cheers for the advice i do understand the difference between the hmr and the 22lr i was thinking more about the noise factor and the range of the hmr over the .22lr and summing up all my land and quary and were i am mostly going to use it i thinki am going to settle on a 22lr for my first rifle then in time maybe get my hmr i am just looking for a safe now and have got my forms so as soon as i et the safe bolted up etc i will sned off forms and hopefully all will go well

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hi all cheers for the advice i do understand the difference between the hmr and the 22lr i was thinking more about the noise factor and the range of the hmr over the .22lr and summing up all my land and quary and were i am mostly going to use it i thinki am going to settle on a 22lr for my first rifle then in time maybe get my hmr i am just looking for a safe now and have got my forms so as soon as i et the safe bolted up etc i will sned off forms and hopefully all will go well



Not read all this but apply for BOTH, and with moderators.


That way you have 5 years to decide if/when you want to get a HMR and you don't have to pay another £26 and fill in all the forms again for a variation! :thumbs:

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