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Firing blank rounds on own land

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Well, I own two black powder revolvers. One in 32.cal and the other is a 36.cal. Since I can't normally wait untill the weekend to fire them :icon_redface: , what is the law regarding firng blanks on your own land? I own a few acres you see. Would it be legal l for me to fire them, without a projectile, with just some black powder and a bit of paper wading? I wouldn't actually be firing anything out of the barrel.

The law states they can only be used at the range, but the law doesn't mention whether I can discharge them my own premises if it's only blank rounds.


Sometimes I just need to pull that trigger and see some smoke!


It's my burden to bear.



Edited by LordGamebore
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Blank firers are legal, so that would imply not a problem. Normally this is negated in any case by an open ticket, so I can shoot in my garden if I'm crazy enough, but since yours is range only it is an interesting point. My official answer here is a Hmmm.... Not Sure... can't be arsed to look up the legislation right now :)

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  LordGamebore said:
Well, I own two black powder revolvers. One in 32.cal and the other is a 36.cal. Since I can't normally wait untill the weekend to fire them :icon_redface: , what is the law regarding firng blanks on your own land? I own a few acres you see. Would it be legal l for me to fire them, without a projectile, with just some black powder and a bit of paper wading? I wouldn't actually be firing anything out of the barrel.

The law states they can only be used at the range, but the law doesn't mention whether I can discharge them my own premises if it's only blank rounds.


Sometimes I just need to pull that trigger and see some smoke!


It's my burden to bear.




There are ongoing problems with "Blank" firers anyway...yours are NOT, they are black powder revolvers, only conditioned for use at the the range apparently. The chance of you being able to use them elseware for almost anything else is remote to say the least.


My suggestion is you are acting outside the law and therefore potentially up for a lot of grief.


As already suggested though, a phone call to you FEO or Firearms department should answer your question 100%.


I would be interested to here the result when you get a definitive answer!

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I was out with a blank revolver on public land training my dog some muppet complained, luckily he complained at a parish meeting and not to our mates at the station (the lady councillor who I see when walking the dogs is the one who told me and for such a lovely little old dear to talk about the complaintant like she did was shocking) on hearing about it and knowing that I was on the right side of the law I offered to attend the next meeting and explain. I still phoned the local FAD to confirm I was in the right he confirmed it and also congratulated me on the way I had handled things needless to say when I attend this meeting the muppet will be put in his place.....


To be continued.......

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  Deker said:
  LordGamebore said:
Well, I own two black powder revolvers. One in 32.cal and the other is a 36.cal. Since I can't normally wait untill the weekend to fire them :icon_redface: , what is the law regarding firng blanks on your own land? I own a few acres you see. Would it be legal l for me to fire them, without a projectile, with just some black powder and a bit of paper wading? I wouldn't actually be firing anything out of the barrel.

The law states they can only be used at the range, but the law doesn't mention whether I can discharge them my own premises if it's only blank rounds.


Sometimes I just need to pull that trigger and see some smoke!


It's my burden to bear.




There are ongoing problems with "Blank" firers anyway...yours are NOT, they are black powder revolvers, only conditioned for use at the the range apparently. The chance of you being able to use them elseware for almost anything else is remote to say the least.


My suggestion is you are acting outside the law and therefore potentially up for a lot of grief.


As already suggested though, a phone call to you FEO or Firearms department should answer your question 100%.


I would be interested to here the result when you get a definitive answer!



I phoned. Nope, range use only. I felt slightly embarrassed asking :icon_redface:

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better than being embaressed by having your trousers whipped down.............. by a judge.and the embaressed face of giving up your licence.

at least you now know the score.

i would be interested to hear how the to be contiued goes though.

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  LordGamebore said:
Well, I own two black powder revolvers. One in 32.cal and the other is a 36.cal. Since I can't normally wait untill the weekend to fire them :icon_redface: , what is the law regarding firng blanks on your own land? I own a few acres you see. Would it be legal l for me to fire them, without a projectile, with just some black powder and a bit of paper wading? I wouldn't actually be firing anything out of the barrel.

The law states they can only be used at the range, but the law doesn't mention whether I can discharge them my own premises if it's only blank rounds.


Sometimes I just need to pull that trigger and see some smoke!


It's my burden to bear.




You could try giving yourself written permission . . .


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  RicW said:
  LordGamebore said:
Well, I own two black powder revolvers. One in 32.cal and the other is a 36.cal. Since I can't normally wait untill the weekend to fire them :icon_redface: , what is the law regarding firng blanks on your own land? I own a few acres you see. Would it be legal l for me to fire them, without a projectile, with just some black powder and a bit of paper wading? I wouldn't actually be firing anything out of the barrel.

The law states they can only be used at the range, but the law doesn't mention whether I can discharge them my own premises if it's only blank rounds.


Sometimes I just need to pull that trigger and see some smoke!


It's my burden to bear.




You could try giving yourself written permission . . .



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  • 3 weeks later...


Went to the meeting on wednesday night. Parish councils :no: :no:

Sat there on a plastic chair you know the type from school waiting for my turn to speak the room is 80% full of anal retenters who's ringpieces know the rules of by heart. My turn came I explained I was there to respond about the blah blah..... Turns out I'm stood next to the complaintiff as I started talking his head was going side to side like a drunken slapper on a sat night. Though he's gonna be hard work, finished my little speech then the questions came...


The usual

How much are they? (starter pistols)

Where do you get them from?

do you need a license?

(Anyone else see where this is going)


Have you considered using a dummy launcher it will be quieter won't it? <_< (No I didn't either) Not unless people will be ok wih he noise from a 12 bore blank...


The strange

What kind of people train their dogs to hunt for wounded or dead animals? :doh: "Er hunting folk love"

Do you hunt? :o no love I just train my dog with dead animals for the sake of it


What is the possibility of everyone in Preston who hunts and trains their dogs in this way hearing about this field and all descending at once to train their dogs firing their pistols too? :shok::rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Keh???? Not very likely love.

But why no........... At this point she was cut of by the little bald bloke who said he'd heard enough and was convinced That there was no problem and that it is legal.

All the above questions were asked by one women whose face had been soured by totaly absorbing the rule book right up her Garry Glitter

By this point I was crying with laughter inside these people have no idea.


But joy joy, I left that meeting with all but the anal queen in my pocket even the little bald bloke was sound and convinced lets get training :boogie::drinks:

Edited by mushroom
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