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two good foxes we was after in the middle of our shoot

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i haven't been well this week but was feeling better last night , i had a call from our les asking if i was feeling better enough for a lamping session , so i said yes he arranged to pick me up at 9.15 off we went ..

we knew we had a couple of foxes in the middle of the shoot because we had seen some dead poults lying about, now this is what we dont need on our shoot because its all wild birds and we work hard to keep it that way ..


we got into the shoot where we knew they were , we drove up the track and les spotted one in the beet field right at the other end of it , with the wind in our backs and going straight towards the fox a decision was made to go all the way round to the other end of the farm to come down the track towards the fox.


when we got to the other end for sure there it was in the same place where he was before , we pulled up and i got out on the bonnet with the rifle and bi pod , he was in a spray wheeling about 200yards , all i could see was his head , we tried calling but he would not move , so i got myself really comfortably , i put the cross hairs on his chin and took the shot, there was a smack and all i see was it flipped the fox right over , cracking shot said les ,i went out to pick it up , when i got to it , i could see it was a real mess but i was very pleased with the shot .


we moved on further into the middle of the shoot , we were driving at the side of a tatty field what had been topped ready for lifting , i picked up a set of eyes on the other side of the field, here you go i said thats the one that was on his toes the other night, your right les said , i switched off the lamp and les got out on the bonnet ready , les tapped the bonnet and i switched on the lamp .


the fox was running up the tatty rows flat out , he was trying to get past us , i said to les your only going to get one chance at this , so be ready !! , i started calling again but he was having none of it , i let it get level with us and then i shouted , it stopped and looked at us for 2 seconds just enough time for les to take the shot , i said that sounded like a head shot to me mate, he replied thats all i could see , well done a cracking shot i said .


he set off across the tatty rows to look for it, he was looking for it for about 5 min and could not find it , o i thought , i jumped in the driving seat and went down the headland of the tatty field shining down them as i went , i got level with les and still no fox , o dear i said mate i was sure that was dead mate me to he said , i drove on a bit further and there it was dead as a doe, doe , i shouted you aint gone far enough ya plum its here look .


he came running over and picked it with a great big grin on his face head shot he said , i knew i didn't miss it , he said each tatty row is a yard wide, so i will paste it out back to where we were, off he went ,i turned around and met him back at the spot he took the shot, how far then do you recken 170 i said , no 187 yards well done mate .



here is a couple of pics









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Carnage mate :clapper: Just out of curiosity what caliber and munition type did that damage????


hi mushroom ,


on the first pic the rifle is a remmi 243 , the round is a norma 58gr bullet...



second pic the rifle is a Steyr-Mannlicher 22250 with a sound mod on and remmi 55 gr bullet

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