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lasen traps

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The best time for these traps has come and gone mate .Odd ones and twos can be caught in the autumn but the killing time is in the spring when the birds are territorial and will not telerate others in their patch .Used to be lawful to over-winter a call bird for use as a start in the spring but not 100% on that now .

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Sam; Take a look under the Search facility - this board - for " Larsen Trap " (something about, ''Questions: Now I Have One ... " Something like that. By " Ditch Shitter ") Do that or check down and a page or so back.


Fact is, I got hold of a trap made very much as " The Big Fish " instructs. I set it, using a few chickens eggs and the usual tuft of hay. I waited a week or three ..... and caught me a Magge! Well 'out of season'. Maybe. But that one brought me two more (the Lot for this territory, it seems) the next morning! God Damn; They Work! :clapper:


Rider is that A/ I caught (nor saw!) no further Maggie's in my quarter since despatching his 'family'. I did see another mag', a mile away, and intended to re site the trap, complete with him as Call Bird, to trap That bugger ..... But my mate, the Call Bird I'd trapped, fell off his perch before I could get the shebang shifted :(


B/ My question then would be: How best to Feed that treasured, first caught 'Call Bird'? Lumps of raw meat he ignored. Pots of 'Pedigree Chum' kept him going for about a month or more. Did he die of old age or 'malnutrition' ?


Bottom line is; We Know how to trap our birds (With a Larsen like 'Fish tells us how to build): But how best to care for them, having caught them? :hmm:


May we expand this Thread, guys?

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Guest JohnGalway

I'm feeding my three stooges (not maggies) on a diet of rabbit, white sliced pan, kite kat dried food, and going to give them some meaty cat food tonight. I've observed magpies eating both types of cat food, they also come readily to slit open rabbits and pick at them and like most birds I'm sure they'd eat bread too. Interested to hear what others are feeding also as maggies are on my "to do" hit list!


I've provided them with water to wash with and water to drink with, though I'm not entirely sure they're making that distinction yet lol.


They're quite lively and I had one landed on my head last time I was in with them...


Had to use the Fast Reply function to reply to this thread, Quotation reply and Add reply wouldn't work for me, anyone know why? (Slight derailment, apologies OP)

Edited by JohnGalway
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Guest Ditch_Shitter

John: Don't feed Birds Pan (Bread) or any kind of 'Dry Food', mate! It'll kill 'em for sure!


Birds digestive system just isn't cut out for that sort of thing, mate :no: Of course, Everyone's slung out bread for the birds and seen it do no harm. But that'd be making up a miniscule part of their daily and varied intake. Besides which, they don't stick around for us to see if they drop off their perches while at roost.


Ye have them captive. They rely entirely on you for their sustanance and will eat what ever ye provide ~ within reason. But there's just no reason to chance it with stuff like that. Been there. Done that. Decades ago. Birds ALWAYS died in pretty short order :(

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Guest JohnGalway

Suggestions on alternative diet then DS? Have had one guy a few weeks now and he seems to be in good order.


Mind you when I say "dry" it is getting rained upon so isn't dry in the truest sense of the word, is your observation towards the food actually being dry DS or the type of food?

Edited by JohnGalway
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