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grew x gwp

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hi all i would like your opioins on a grew x gwp lurcher what would be the good traits and not so good or has anyone allready got one of these crosses atb ASBO ;)

iv seen a few over the years its a bloody good cross and they loved foxs :D

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Presume u mean grey x gwp Asbo, i often thought about that cross; plusses would be good nose, strong retrieve trait, both breeds similar height and athletic should cross well with good even size to the pups and good coat , one real bad possibility imagine if the dog froze and pointed instead of chasing flushed game. :cry: a.t.b. Burrowman.

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im sure theres a couple a guys on here with pointer crosses


never seen 1 work tho

heard only good things boot them


are you planning a litter? have you got the dogs availabe to produce this cross?



sorry for being nosey mate, but i am very intrested in this cross, an will kopefuy have 1 in the future




yes dotty got the dogs avalible mate just thinking about it just now,i would like some info on the cross first i know the abilities of both crosses but need more info from guys thats got the cross ;)
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Presume u mean grey x gwp Asbo, i often thought about that cross; plusses would be good nose, strong retrieve trait, both breeds similar height and athletic should cross well with good even size to the pups and good coat , one real bad possibility imagine if the dog froze and pointed instead of chasing flushed game. :cry: a.t.b. Burrowman.
that kind of sprung to mind :D but as you probaly know a lot of lurchers point,stalk,creep if you want before they chase the quarry not many of this cross round my way pal ;)
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For hunting the dogs are the buissness and i cant fault them in anyway,but they aint a 100% running dog the first crosses are a gear short but a 5\8 3\8 or 3\4 greyhound 1\4 pointer maybe better.theres a pic on my profile in the topics of the bitch thats for sale.shes only 6 month in that pic i need to get a recent one up.if anyone is interested ring 07957106314

Edited by doglad1
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For hunting the dogs are the buissness and i cant fault them in anyway,but they aint a 100% running dog the first crosses are a gear short but a 5\8 3\8 or 3\4 greyhound 1\4 pointer maybe better.theres a pic on my profile in the topics of the bitch thats for sale.shes only 6 month in that pic i need to get a recent one up
thanks for the info doglad atb ASBO :thumbs:
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Guest the techno viking
watch "the lamper a cold wind blows" he has 1 on there. hope that helps atb
think a seen that is the dog called tarn it breaks its neck and dies retrieving a dummy the bloke must have no look with dogs 2 die on that dvd. sky and tarn

yes mate it was tarn forgot about how she died to be honest and that sky was a nice bitch it got hit by a car retriving a hare i think????

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Short hair pointer is better, got a better gait. Unlike a bounding GWP.

do you think hunting if it misses mite be a problem guys and gwp can be very head strong and deaf at a distance alot of time needed used pure pointers on grouse and woodcock and the nose has seen to be beleived and they can be mental. cant fault them for stamina will run all day.

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