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Totally .22 Rabbit Control DVD

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I am Steve Henderson from Tyne and Wear United Kingdom.

Web: www.sh-pc.co.uk

I have produced, edited and released a new DVD “Totally .22 Rabbit controlâ€

The running time is approx 50 mins

The rabbit control is being carried out on a private estate in the North East of England; the estate is heavily infested with rabbits causing damage to the land by burrowing holes and by eating grass that farm stock graze on causing financial loss to the farmer.

I am using a .22 rimfire rifle loaded with Winchester hollow point subsonic ammunition, combined with a Hawke scope and a sound moderator.

The DVD shows methods of gutting rabbits a lot of people have never seen before and how to process rabbit meat into pet food with no waste at all, I give advice on shooting practice, equipment and tips on how to get permission... Plus much more. "A must for all shooting enthusiasts".


The DVD is out now and can be purchased from...


OR from Amazon



Thanks Steve

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