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What size purse nets

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A tryed to search but never found anything. SO, what size purse nets best for starting, i know it depends on the ground and cover so im just going to practice on the open burries first. Was thinking about getting some 4ft spun nylon or poly, would this be a good start. THANKS

atb Billy

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i make mine at 3 1/2 feet and some a bit more than 4 ft for the dodgy holes. i have used poly linen( find the nylon nets tangle too much an d get on my nerves!)

some buddys won't use anything but hemp( rots and is expensive) i find poly a good comprimise,

some guys selling nets on here( buy sell swap)


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Would say about 75% of mine are 3ft and 25% are 4ft. All are hemp at the moment but have just started to make them from spun poly and going to try them next time out.

Find hemp better when working warrens with cover (gorse,brambles etc). Never had a problem with them rotting, just make sure you hang them up to dry after using them. ATB Mick

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Hi Billbroom


Like most others on here, I have nets of various lengths - 3' , 3'6" , 4' & 6'. 3'6" will do most jobs - but there's always that hole in a tricky spot, loose ground, undercut bank, large entrance, etc. that just needs a bigger net.


I used an old knackered, rat eaten 6z nylon long net that a friend gave me. I cut it into usable sections and made some 6' purse nets. Great for those places where you have a huge hole about 2 foot across which then divides into 2 or three smaller holes. I prefer to net each and every hole, but if the internal ones are un-nettable then a big one over the top works a treat.


If you want to know what size would be best for you then use some string to test. A six foot piece of string folded in half and knotted will give you a loop the same size as a 3 foot purse net. If that loop is big enough for your holes, then three foot nets are sufficient.


A 7 foot piece of string would give you a loop the same as a 3'6 net, and an 8 foot piece would give you a loop the same as a 4' net.



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