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lamp shy foxes

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Guest fence_hopper

i'm into real hunting, so when i see a fox on the lamp i call it and if it doesnt come in close enough i slip the dogs anyway or start screeming at it dazzling it with the lamp to make them shy coz theres hardly nothing left with theses rifles lol

Edited by fence_hopper
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i'm into real hunting, so when i see a fox on the lamp i call it and if it doesnt come in close enough i slip the dogs anyway or start screeming at it dazzling it with the lamp to make them shy coz theres hardly nothing left with theses rifles lol


and then what mate? do you have a rifle to dispatch it with because we all know UK law forbids us from killing foxes with a dog. ;)


don't judge the rifle boys on their way of hunting. at least its within the confines of the law

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Hi try a red filter if you have already the best thing to do is shoot a couple of bunnies and gut them spreading blood etc on the ground and go back 100yds or more and start calling and let the fox start feeding then shoot


cheers for the constructive post mate. does the red filter dim the brightness down significantly beacause im using a tracer max lamp and its already not hugely powerful. would an amber filter fare well?

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i'm into real hunting, so when i see a fox on the lamp i call it and if it doesnt come in close enough i slip the dogs anyway or start screeming at it dazzling it with the lamp to make them shy coz theres hardly nothing left with theses rifles lol


moron keep your comments to yourself if you dont like shooting stick to the dog section. but even there lads on there that are not into shooting dont make silly comment like that on here.


because they respect that we all have different types of hunting.

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amber is definately better than the red,out our way,plus as jamie says you have more of a beam ;)


yes mate amber is very good. i get these different films off my mate in red,orange,blue,pink.


there good because i can change over but also buteer then the proper fillters as there not thick there thin film. so it lets more light out. but not to much to scare foxes

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hi jamie im not using a filter at the moment just white light. ill get a piece of film over the lamp. however got a mate coming over tonight going lamping bunnies and even they are starting to run in the lamp so his amber lamp might do the trick.


i can ask him if you like mate he mite sell you some different ones to try. and as your lamp is small your get a could of cuts out of each sheet

Edited by jamie g
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interested in these sheets how thick are they and how much



hi mate i havent got any here to check there at home but. there not very thick but storng. i cut round just abit bigger then lamp. then i fit it to lamp and cut snips in them so i can bend the sides over the lamp and then its easy to tap on. then it says nice and smooth on the lamp front with out any creases

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