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Weird or bad injuries

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[bANNED TEXT] i was like 2 i was playing on a garden chair and i fell off and hit my tooth and it went straight through my gum and i have a scar there and its shape of an X :) so im xtermanator :D and then my sister when she was like 7 she was playing with blades and she cut her thumb off and it was hanging down on a tiny pice of skin

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Just went to the quack today but cant tell as its a family forum, but it has something to do with the fact that i tried to rip the tank of one of my cross bikes with my balls while I was on the way over the handle bars. Nuff said.





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Well i was art with my mate and we were chcucking stones at houses my mate had a pot on his arm and this big man came running from no were so we set off running my mate fell over and i pell over him , my elbo hit a brick on floor smashed it to bits got up still running for about a mile phoned my mum she thought i was pillocking ragged my coat off neally pulled my arm off completly went to hospital had and opperation had 2 pins in , all sorted know know , and i can hold a lamp and slip a dog now :clapper:

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Got a smack of a double decker Bus and broke my two legs(They say my mother pushed me).

Broke me collar bone(worse bone to break)

Got beat up with a crutch and broke my nose, my jaw and my cheek bone,

The day out of hospital they put a mask on my face and i was in a car crash that night lost a lot of blood.

In a sepaerate beating i got a bang of a garden stake in the back of my head opened me like a tin of beans.Left a nice scar.

I overdosed(young and stupid).

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