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How to Retrieve an Escaped Ferret

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I think Badger must have figured out that I was going to have his balls removed tomorrow because he's performed a daring escape. Managed to track him to an overgrown area behind the cow sheds but I can't find him anywhere! Spent all afternoon looking for him and another hour before it went dark.


Any advice on how to get him back would be greatly appreciated.





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When mine got out i left the shed door open enough for him to fit through then just as i was about to go bed i went to check and she was sitting next to the hutch :angel: thought i'd lost her she was gone for hours up on the mountain behind my shed.

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i had ferrets for years and never lost one to date, JMO but should keep an eye on em enough not to let them go in the first place..........


There's always one knob head isn't there, I'm sure I've got a spare medal for you somewhere if you want one. Thanks to everyone else, got a few cages out with straw and food in. Not got any traps so I'll just have to see how I get on.

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have a route through your freezer, find a rabbit, partridge or something perferably still feathered or fur still on to be extra tempting,,, the odd time i've had a ferret manage to get out i've done a few squeeks and its come bounding back,,,wish you all the best with this ferret mate, hope the critter comes back!!!

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i had ferrets for years and never lost one to date, JMO but should keep an eye on em enough not to let them go in the first place..........


There's always one knob head isn't there, I'm sure I've got a spare medal for you somewhere if you want one. Thanks to everyone else, got a few cages out with straw and food in. Not got any traps so I'll just have to see how I get on.


The bugger only joined yesterday , still if your iq is the same size as your shoe size , its to be expected :laugh:

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