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How do you like yours?

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  Phantom said:
  stealthy1 said:
I dont know what it will taste like mate, but you can test it with a dollop of tomato sauce and let me know if you like :laugh: How did the head turn out?


Well, it boiled up okay, a lot of the meat fell off the external part, but the flesh inside the skull stayed put (mouth and nasal cavities etc). Scraped out as much as I could. :bad: smell was quite revolting :bad:

Decided to drop it in some caustic soda to finish it off. Seems to have done the trick :yes:

The base of the skull at the back came off and the brain dropped out so I washed off all the soda and have left it to dry in the shed. Hope to put it all back together (lower Mandable and skull and base of brain cavity tomorrow when its all dried out.


I'll put up a pic if all goes well :)





Looking forward to it ;) know what you mean about the smell :sick:

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Whats boiled bunny brain, eyes and tongue taste like?


My grand father used to tell me how they always used to eat the brains when he was a kid, So a few years ago I give it try to be honest I cant really remember how it tasted but I car remember the very unusual texture :wacko: I’ve eaten all manner of weird things and have Avery strong stomach. Give the brain a try next time the misses goes out you never know you might love it :laugh: atb John :rocker:

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  bedrock said:
My grand father used to tell me how they always used to eat the brains when he was a kid, So a few years ago I give it try to be honest I cant really remember how it tasted but I car remember the very unusual texture :wacko: I've eaten all manner of weird things and have Avery strong stomach. Give the brain a try next time the misses goes out you never know you might love it :laugh: atb John :rocker:


I noticed that the brain looked quite neat and whitish with a bit of pink.

I reckon next time I carry out the boiling process I may actually preserve the brain and maybe put it in a block of resin. I dont know if this would work, but it may be worth a try?? Failing that anyone know where I can lay my mits on a bottle of Formaldahyde?


The problem with trying to preserve a brain of a bunny is my usual impact point tends to destroy the skull and mince the brain.


If I could be sure of pulling off that shot again or a heart/lung shot then I would have a go, but for now, I'll be sticking with mincing the grey matter ;)


Did you know the American Indians used to use the brain to preserve the pelt of animals? they reckon that one brain would preserve the entire pelt of the animal!



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Did you know the American Indians used to use the brain to preserve the pelt of animals? they reckon that one brain would preserve the entire pelt of the animal!

Yes mate there’s a few interesting videos showing it on youtube.

Are you going to bleach the head?

atb John

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I dropped it in some caustic soda, that seems to have had the desired effect of removing the meat etc, skull is pretty clean and white. Although I have lost a tooth since I put it in the shed to dry. I intend on reassembling it all tomorrow and then put up a pix or two :)



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