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cluson blazer lite 2 million

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i know there a countless topics on lamps,but can you help me out a bit, i do a lot of ratting at night and this lamp with the smaller bulb fits the bill, but iv got a whippet now and and was wondering how many of you make do with the blazer 2 million, i know the beam isnt that tight as other lamps.

thanks in advance

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i know there a countless topics on lamps,but can you help me out a bit, i do a lot of ratting at night and this lamp with the smaller bulb fits the bill, but iv got a whippet now and and was wondering how many of you make do with the blazer 2 million, i know the beam isnt that tight as other lamps.

thanks in advance



Mine does me OK, but it doesn't have the range of a Striker. If you are going to be giving the dogs long slips I would get a Striker, otherwise you'll be alright with the Cluson.

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