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getem oot!

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given the unpresidented popularity of the catty at the moment,what have you got/had? who 'cut their teeth' on a milbro? as you probably know ime a bit of a catty nut and have been known to make one or two. i can remember my first catty was a gift from an old neighbour called Fred Reid,it had been his sons ,it was a milbro lacking elastics my mum fitted it with kniker elastic! well it was worse than useless so it was consigned to the bottom of the toy box,wish i had it now,theyre worth £40.00 on a bad day!


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I got a malbro style catty from a game fair. No matter what I tried I couldn’t put the elastic on so I lost my patience and give it to my nephew. The little feck did it straight away and is an awesome shot. I might have to rob it back off him :whistling: atb bedrock

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