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what was going on in birmingham yesterday

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  rob.i said:
  halfx said:
  rob.i said:
This country has been multi racial for a lot longer than people think probably before most of you were born.Get over it and start burning witches

multi racial,nice expression straight out the new labour handbook,im not rascist,i just hate muslims who say i must die because im a non believer,to me a c**ts a c**t,what ever the colour.

Anyone who dies for any but there own ideals is a fool s ps you dont know my politics

Your labelling these people as racists well like your man says theyre marching against the muslims who are poluting the world on which we all live in, the same muslim people who our troops are getting killed by the same muslims who try and dictate to our government in there own little way, i come from an eara where they are slowly moving in more and more i see white girls who have been turned by these people who are fresh off the boat with 3 kids on her arm claiming benerfits when our lads are out of work it really sickens me :sick:

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  rob.i said:
  halfx said:
  rob.i said:
This country has been multi racial for a lot longer than people think probably before most of you were born.Get over it and start burning witches

multi racial,nice expression straight out the new labour handbook,im not rascist,i just hate muslims who say i must die because im a non believer,to me a c**ts a c**t,what ever the colour.

Anyone who dies for any but there own ideals is a fool s ps you dont know my politics

if i was blown up by a muslim for not being what they like then id be dying because of there ideals not mine,so id be a fool then would i lol,you fukin clown,i dont care about your politics tbh,you keep on talking riddles mate,so long as ypou understand the drivel.

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  rob.i said:
  halfx said:
  rob.i said:
This country has been multi racial for a lot longer than people think probably before most of you were born.Get over it and start burning witches

multi racial,nice expression straight out the new labour handbook,im not rascist,i just hate muslims who say i must die because im a non believer,to me a c**ts a c**t,what ever the colour.

Anyone who dies for any but there own ideals is a fool s ps you dont know my politics




You are a prime candidate for a training course with Common Purpose.

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  halfx said:
  rob.i said:
  halfx said:
  rob.i said:
This country has been multi racial for a lot longer than people think probably before most of you were born.Get over it and start burning witches

multi racial,nice expression straight out the new labour handbook,im not rascist,i just hate muslims who say i must die because im a non believer,to me a c**ts a c**t,what ever the colour.

Anyone who dies for any but there own ideals is a fool s ps you dont know my politics

if i was blown up by a muslim for not being what they like then id be dying because of there ideals not mine,so id be a fool then would i lol,you fukin clown,i dont care about your politics tbh,you keep on talking riddles mate,so long as ypou understand the drivel.


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  rob.i said:
  halfx said:
  rob.i said:
  halfx said:
  rob.i said:
This country has been multi racial for a lot longer than people think probably before most of you were born.Get over it and start burning witches

multi racial,nice expression straight out the new labour handbook,im not rascist,i just hate muslims who say i must die because im a non believer,to me a c**ts a c**t,what ever the colour.

Anyone who dies for any but there own ideals is a fool s ps you dont know my politics

if i was blown up by a muslim for not being what they like then id be dying because of there ideals not mine,so id be a fool then would i lol,you fukin clown,i dont care about your politics tbh,you keep on talking riddles mate,so long as ypou understand the drivel.


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  rob.i said:
  halfx said:
  rob.i said:
  halfx said:
  rob.i said:
This country has been multi racial for a lot longer than people think probably before most of you were born.Get over it and start burning witches

multi racial,nice expression straight out the new labour handbook,im not rascist,i just hate muslims who say i must die because im a non believer,to me a c**ts a c**t,what ever the colour.

Anyone who dies for any but there own ideals is a fool s ps you dont know my politics

if i was blown up by a muslim for not being what they like then id be dying because of there ideals not mine,so id be a fool then would i lol,you fukin clown,i dont care about your politics tbh,you keep on talking riddles mate,so long as ypou understand the drivel.


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  Dosser said:
  rob.i said:
  halfx said:
  rob.i said:
This country has been multi racial for a lot longer than people think probably before most of you were born.Get over it and start burning witches

multi racial,nice expression straight out the new labour handbook,im not rascist,i just hate muslims who say i must die because im a non believer,to me a c**ts a c**t,what ever the colour.

Anyone who dies for any but there own ideals is a fool s ps you dont know my politics




You are a prime candidate for a training course with Common Purpose.

:D :D :D

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I fore one believe these muslims who are attacking the E.D.L are doing it out of fear generated by the traitors to this country by the likes of the socialist workers party and other like minded organizeations.One has only to look at Doncaster and see who they have voted as mayor to the town as his DEMOCRATICALY elected position is sending shock waves through the main political partys and Doncaster has always been like the rest of s.yorks a labour strong hold.Thats why i am convinced its their reasons for encouriging more muslims into the erea.atb

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there is an age old saying wich is "stand united and never be defeated"! well not a chance here in in good old blighty.what chance you got when your own kind are against you,know wonder were easy pickings and them stinkers are laughing at us,a week race run by a week guverment all they need to do is out breed us.

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  undisputed said:
  stabba said:
Seems to me that any fcuker can march in this country except WHITES. atb stabba :angry:


You've obviously never been to Glasgow during the marching season :angry:



Agree with stabba.The only people who dont get a say in this country is the white heterosexual male.If we have anything to say on this subject we are called bigot,s.Catcher 1

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  Catcher 1 said:
Agree with stabba.The only people who dont get a say in this country is the white heterosexual male.If we have anything to say on this subject we are called bigot,s.Catcher 1


Bollocks :laugh:


Vast majority of Parliament are white heterosexual males.


Mind, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you..... :tongue2:

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