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a woodland walk

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was walking the hound this afternoon and got to following a couple of deer paths through the wood and was having a smile to my self about the dens ect the kids have been building over the summer hols, until that is i found the rubbish left behind by most of them! :angry:


heres the pics from my walk, see what you think!
















nasty little toe rags!




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Does my f*****g head in that mate. Have it up here beer crates asda bags! We even put a bench at the top of our road for walkers and eldery to sit on and some wee scroats gone and burnt holes in it and scribbled all over it wonder how hed like it if i came over and did that to his garden or shat in his house serve the little fecker right.




(rant over)




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Same in the woods by me , theres a couple of areas where the kids get taking cans & cider to sit drinking & just leave it all there, sad really as there is so much wild life up there deer foxes stoats squirells etc

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its the same round here mate,in fact those pics actually look like here,theyre little b*****ds,no respect for feck all,i took a tube of axle grease out wi me and put little blobs all over were they sit :clapper: they aint been back since it must of really fecked there lacoste and rockports up :clapper:

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I reckon a lot of us when we were kids, made dens and such like in the woods and down in the local fields,

The difference today i.m.o. is money. ;) people seem to have so much spare money to give to their kids and the current trend is Booze and draw and they end up in such a mess that they dont give a :censored:

And sadly i think we all have areas like that where ever we are in the country..


:( Mars....

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Won't walk my dogs in the local public woodland, mainly because of the smashed glass everywhere, and i mean EVERYWHERE! :wallbash: . Just don't think it's worth the risk. Used to go camping there when I was a teen, but never left rubbish, and certainly didn't smash bottles all over the place.

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funny enough i took my dog up the mountain by my house last weekend and there is so much rubbish there it is unreal! cans everywhere all from kids camping!! they think because it's out of the way they can leave their rubbish there :wallbash: I will clean it up when i got time my daughters said they'd help as they also thought it was disgusting.

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if me and my mates do anything like camping in the woods( which we do alot on my permission) all the rubbish either gets burnt on our fire at the end or if it cant be burnt it gets taken home.

you must have been brought up correctly mate :victory:


well, i dont see it that way, i see it that i was braught up normally and these twats that trash the place just wernt really braught up by [NO TEXT TALK] sensible rather they just do what they want.



and as someone else said, when we go camping we hav a few drinks nothing wrong with that but we dont feel the need to tracsh the place and smash bottles everywhere, and i always make my mates look round the wood before we set anything up and always say to them that the number one rule is that we leave the site exactly as or cleaner than we found it.

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