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Out again today

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Out on the marsh again, moved to a different part of the marsh to what I was on earlier this week. After duck today, saw a few knocking about with the binos yesterday but as you know with wildfowling seeing duck one day means bugger all the next. Set off half 10 this morning as the tide was full in at 12.47 and was a 8.7metre; quite a good height for the spot I was going. Got all the decoys chucked out on my motherline in a small channel which I know overflows with anything over an 8m tide and got into my chosen dugout and made myself as comfortable as possible. It was now just a waiting game, but I was quite happy to just observe the birdlife while I waited for the tide; plenty of pintail and mallard started to move as the tide made its way in but nothing came close enough to make me lift the benelli.

Just after the tide was full in a large group of teal shot past 50yards out, closely followed by a pair of wigeon, a couple of whistles with my call made them turn toward my deeks and them came in perfectly at 30 yards. Two shots rang out and both birds hit the water, a right and left - well chuffed. Sent the dog in and she made two very good retrieves fetching back a cock and hen.

Waited a little longer but decided two was enough. Half an hour later the pair of wigeon were plucked and ready for my tea. You cant get any fresher than that! Happy Wildfowling! :D


Edited by woollyback
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