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Will they ?

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Guest foxterrier1

ive spoken to a fella who claimed to take foxes with an EEO, but it missed the point really. The trouble is, one of these things isnt gona let go of what it grabs- hound/fox/some poor bloke... maybe hunt one on its own without a pack of hounds chasing after it, that would be hard enough.


This guy wasnt anything to do with foxhunts btw, he just flew one.

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i think we you are all missing the point he said he knows its a loop hole and we all know an owl stuck in to a fox is going to be f****d when the pack catches up :cry: but that :signthankspin: isnt what he asked...i to would like to know would the eeo be up to taking out a fox

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They're more than capable of taking a fox if you can get the bird to do it, alot of Captive Bred Owls just never get going but I'm sure with the right encouragement and conditioning it would do one with one foot in its pocket ;).

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Guest oldskool

i know nothin about birds but i got the lend of a hawking dvd and it showed some big buggers pullin down deer. i think they were golden eagles and if them eeos are anything like that then, from wat i seen, a fox would be just a snack :)

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A mate of mine has an EEO it took him 2 years of training to get it take a rabbit, when it eventually did he couldn't get the bugger off it, got footed twice and didn't have a first aid kit. He gave up trying after that, sitting in a field for 3 hours bleeding with a moody EEO was no fun apparently. :guitar:

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A mate of mine has an EEO it took him 2 years of training to get it take a rabbit, when it eventually did he couldn't get the bugger off it, got footed twice and didn't have a first aid kit. He gave up trying after that, sitting in a field for 3 hours bleeding with a moody EEO was no fun apparently. :guitar:


So I could be in for a double -footed and bit .The .410 for both might be the answer . :laugh:

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Guest Hawkman
A mate of mine has an EEO it took him 2 years of training to get it take a rabbit, when it eventually did he couldn't get the bugger off it, got footed twice and didn't have a first aid kit. He gave up trying after that, sitting in a field for 3 hours bleeding with a moody EEO was no fun apparently. :guitar:



This is probably closest to the truth most people are reluctant to hunt with eeo due to them being a nightmare to get entered then when they are they do not give up their prize easily. Waste of time.


Although i would rather see someone attempting it with an owl than with a proper raptor that could do the job (as there is always a HIGH risk of injury).

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