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My new pup

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lovely pup, but left his mum a bit to soon I think


i do to. But a mate of mine who bitch had the pups brought it home for me i didnt no when i was gettin it but he's comin on a treat. He's 8 weeks ols already sits answers to his name and never leaves my side ad i've only had him 2 weeks ish

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get him well socialised with dogs and other pups if you can so he gets to lean dog language, as this is something they can have problems with if they leave mum and litter mates to soon. looks very healthy though, so you doing a good job. all the best with him :)

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get him well socialised with dogs and other pups if you can so he gets to lean dog language, as this is something they can have problems with if they leave mum and litter mates to soon. looks very healthy though, so you doing a good job. all the best with him :)

I've never had problems getting pups from the age of 6 weeks, but then my dogs have always been kept in the house with the family, and well socialised with other family members dogs.

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Its more of a problem if the dog go's to a home with no other dogs. They learn a lot from there mum and litter mates in the two weeks from 6 to 8 weeks and at 8 weeks are a lot more independent and confident. Pups that don't get this interaction with mum and litter mates at this age can find it hard to communicate with other dogs when older , and then you get a dog that seems to never get on with other dogs.

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get him well socialised with dogs and other pups if you can so he gets to lean dog language, as this is something they can have problems with if they leave mum and litter mates to soon. looks very healthy though, so you doing a good job. all the best with him :)


When i first brought him home the 2 dogs i already have werent sure of him. With them both being male and a new dog moving in on there territory but i'm over the moon as they in a way have accepted him and interact and play with him. As for him looking healthy i wasnt to sure with this being my first pupi have had i wasn't sure what to do but with what you have said 'im rather pleased with what im doing.


Thanks for the reply



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pups yap a lot like babies. best to ignore it. he will yap when playing but this is just puppy talk and quite cute :) he will yap when left alone as like most young things he wont like being alone. but if you ignore it he will get used to it. make shore you worm him regularly and give him plenty to chew on as it helps the teeth come through. so its not just a puppy thing, he needs to chew. also make shore he gets lots of sleep. i make a rule never to wake a sleeping pup. sleep is vital for his development. :)

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