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The Site's Nympho

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mucker Posted Yesterday, 11:13 PM

before anyone shoots me i was refering to the mistaken identity thread, no offence intended molly


Thanks for clearing that up ;)


skydog Posted Today, 10:18 AM

why do you people insist on haveing a dig at someone. if you dont like a post why write in it. it just seems some people are to keen to jump in and have a go.Just lighten up


Probs because it is a dergading thing to say about the woman concerned, it could have been taken anyway. And what would happen if her partner/husband whoever read it?

To say a woman is of loose morals and virtue is about the worst thing you can say, usually followed by bitch, ugly then fat ;)


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:angry: out of order you owe that girl an appology are you man enough to say it on the forum because the same girl does a lot of good on this and other sites with her dog rehoming contacts and i for one think she is worth her weight in gold no need for stupid posts like this your unbeleiveable at times :realmad: :nono:


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You know there are mods on here :D

I havent for 3 reasons.

1. The members are doing a very good job of showing the youngster the error of his ways. Probably a better lesson learned than just removing it.

2. No one has asked a mod to remove it. If every mod took down threads they personally found in bad taste then there would be very few left. Posts usually get removed if they are illegal, or have complaints asking for them to be.

3. Knowing LB she would find this thread hysterically funny :yes: .


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Lighten up shes a maneater...:laugh: , personally I think its all been taken out of context if you look at the other post were LB was mistaken for Molly...no harm intended...stop being girls.. :p

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I read the first few replies to this and before i read anymore i'd just like to say




It wasnt intended to cause offence to LB, i was just making a passing comment


The thread was started as a bit of a laugh, nothing to fall off the high horses about.


I would bet you’re one of the loutish types that gets juiced up on a Saturday night and hollers sly leering comments at the girls from the car window as you and your chums race up and down the high street!... :no:

I am not, for starts i divn't have a car, and to be honest anyone who does that are just plain daft



why do you people insist on haveing a dig at someone. if you dont like a post why write in it. it just seems some people are to keen to jump in and have a go.Just lighten up ;)


If thats in my defence, which it looks like it is, then thanks



But I love bitches who have loose morals and are fat and ugly :laugh:


At least some of us takes it with a pinch of salt



:angry: out of order you owe that girl an appology are you man enough to say it on the forum

COming in the next five minutes, but as i said, it wasnt intended to cause any offence.


3. Knowing LB she would find this thread hysterically funny :yes: .


Judging by the ten minutes i heard her talking and laughing, im sure she would



Lighten up shes a maneater...:laugh: , personally I think its all been taken out of context if you look at the other post were LB was mistaken for Molly...no harm intended...stop being girls.. :p

Again, at least theres some of us......



I think LB would love the fact she's been called a nympho, i dont think it was meant as an insult, if it was though you are a twat!!!!!!!!! :11: :11: :11:

It wasnt meant as an insult

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Guest bracken boy

so its ok to post rubbish like this but if i post its great 2 b bak i get a pm from the boss saying no more text talk?

and before u start i accepted the bollocking and moved on its just odd thats all,

by the way when does the season start? :11:

Edited by bracken boy
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Guest grubygrafter

I would bet you’re one of the loutish types that gets juiced up on a Saturday night and hollers sly leering comments at the girls from the car window as you and your chums race up and down the high street!...


i used to do the above :( but i have matured now and i now do it in a transit pickup :D:tongue2:

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