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enjoy hunting with dogs??

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Guest Rod&dog

Thanks for putting this up :clapper: Ill be sending this to both my current MP (lid dem) who is anti and voted in favour of a ban,, and also the conservative runner up who is pro hunting and comes from hunting family, but might not understand the running dog,terrier or ferreters role in the countryside.

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well everyone now is the chance to try and change this useless hunting act of 2004, if half of the members on this site emailed a copy of this letter to the local MP's then i'm certain something would happen,, you may think otherwise but it will only take a few minutes and at worst nothing will change, at best . . . well sky's the limit!


Annemarie x x x


a quote by a friend of mine:

The apathy displayed by a majority of the hunting community is one of the biggest problems, I wrote letters to my local MP when the act was being discussed, I along with hundreds of thousands marched but in reality I wonder what the real population of hunting folk did anything apart from piss and moan and sit on there arse.




Dear (insert MP's name here)


Please could I bring to your attention the general public's disapproval with the Hunting Act 2004, this law is not fair and is unenforceable.


Not all hunters wear red jackets and ride to hounds. The mounted packs are still hunting and the Hunting Act 2004 though affected are still able to continue their work through different means. The Hunting Act is however, affecting people at the other end of the hunting spectrum, i.e. the working classes, the people who either eat what they hunt or who hunt for pest control purely. People who may own a dog or two that they keep at home, people who own lurchers, terriers and other types of dog but not a large pack.


To state hunting is not morally acceptable in a civilised society is to totally misunderstand wildlife. Wild animals do not live in civilised society and the people who would put them there do them no favour whatsoever. It demonstrates a profound ignorance of the true role of hunting in wildlife management and animal welfare.


Clearly, animals are not moral beings, as they have no true sense of what's right and wrong in the way that humans do. Therefore when a dog hunts and does so naturally, this cannot be an immoral act. The human motive, as far as the quarry animal is concerned, is totally irrelevent; it simply experieces what is being done to it.


So, in the moral debate, the focus shifts from the act, to the attitude of the person in control of the dog. Hunting with dogs can be regarded as natural for both hound/lurcher/terrier and quarry, but most crucially, does not involve any risk of wounding. To deprive wildlife of the natural and most humane method of control must therefore itself be morally indefensive.


Also I feel that the use of the Parliament Act to force through such a law is un-democratic and a breach of the legislation.


I know it is a few years since the Hunting Act was brought in but this law has drastically damaged the present government in rural circles and I feel that it will cost more votes further down the line and will remain a class based divide as it continues to punish the hunters at the poorer end of the social spectrum.


The hunting issue consumed large amounts of parliamentry time including ignoring the Burns report resulting in a law that is unprincipled, unenforceable, unnatural and unscientific. In fact, the Hunting Act causes greater animal suffering when it should have set out to improve the welfare of wild mammals. In part this was because the hunting debate attracted some people who saw it as a useful vehicle for their prejudices. There was, and still is, considerable ingnorance about the use of dogs in wildlife management and confusion as to what management itself means.


I know one New Labour supporter was quoted after the act was passed as saying " that's one in the eye for the toffs in red coats!", this letter is to point out that though the fox hunts are suffering, other aspects have been badly affected too, and is it really right that the government should be trying to legislate against certain social classes anyway? Especially from a government that tries to bring communities together.


We should be teaching people to be tolerant of others traditions and this includes British rural traditions.


A re-assesment of hunting with hounds and its place in wildlife management should be made. It is contended that the information above allows the activity to be seen in a different light, even by those people who would never claim to be supporters of hunting.


Yours Considering my vote

(Insert your name)



And here is the link to the website that lets you e-mail your MP! this website will also allow you to find out who your MP is if you dont know and will also ask you details about you to ensure that you are a constituent and to allow the MP to reply!





feel free to add more points that you feel strong about, however i would advise to write carefully and be aware not to come accross aggressive, we can only move forward from such a pointless ban!!


all the very best of luck and thanks for taking the time to read this Annemarie xx


Although i'm not old enough to vote just yet the message has gone.


I truely hope this works.


Edited by bedwhippet
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WOW have just read this!! thanks everyone, some really good reply's,i have had some negative feedback but i'm only trying to help,,, pm your friends on here and other sites and send a letter to your local mp!!!


regards to deer tracking dogs, your right i missed it and that REALLY should be included, please feel free to add/edit this lhe letter above, its only a template to make things easier and quicker for others - more hope of them doing it if its pre written . .


THANKS AGAIN keep writing


all the very best Annemarie xxx

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