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HPR training dvd

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2 Tom Brechney DVDs - Basic & Advanced.


The only HPR one's you'll need.

We would definitely agree butcherboy, best we have seen by far!

Steve Kimberley also has training DVDs on his website. He has over 20 years experience training gundogs, the training programme covers spaniels, retrievers and HPRs. We haven't seen them, but if his training days are anything to go by they should be good!

Hope this helps


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can anyone recommend some good training dvds for HPR's if possible GWP specific. Also good training book recomendations would be appreciated





The Versatile Gundog by Guy Wallace,

Training Pointing Dogs by Paul Long,

Hunter Pointer Retriever The continental Gundog by a variety of authors.


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I had been training dogs since I was 12 years old. I thought I had had a fair measure of sucssess. Then I tried training my first GWP and all that I had learnt in that 30 odd years went out the window. Training HPR is a totally different kettle of fish to other gundogs.


If you are used to training Labs Spaniels etc, allowing, ney encouraging a dog to work 200 yards away from you is a bit of a shock to the system. Also the dogs disposition of, yep Ill do it, but in my time. Can have you pulling your hair out by the handfull. Most HPR's even though they seem pretty thick skinned, are really very sensitive shout at one and it can put your training back a month.


One thing to remember is that HPR were bred to range. Try to curtail that and you are fighting the dogs natural instinct and it will be a fair bet that neither of you will win in the end.



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i'd have to disagree with the range comment as my dogs are quite happy to keep within spaniel casting distance all day, and if need be a meter away for deer, a true hpr needs something that seems to be overlooked in many breeding programmes...... a gearbox.

far too many ill bred gwps have been bred to run and don't have the inbuilt gearbox to change to the conditions.

they were never meant to keep up with pointers and setters.

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2 Tom Brechney DVDs - Basic & Advanced.


The only HPR one's you'll need.

We would definitely agree butcherboy, best we have seen by far!

Steve Kimberley also has training DVDs on his website. He has over 20 years experience training gundogs, the training programme covers spaniels, retrievers and HPRs. We haven't seen them, but if his training days are anything to go by they should be good!

Hope this helps



Lisa, have you been to Steve Kimberley? I was thinking of doing the same but have heard mixed reports, can you give me nay info please.

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2 Tom Brechney DVDs - Basic & Advanced.


The only HPR one's you'll need.

We would definitely agree butcherboy, best we have seen by far!

Steve Kimberley also has training DVDs on his website. He has over 20 years experience training gundogs, the training programme covers spaniels, retrievers and HPRs. We haven't seen them, but if his training days are anything to go by they should be good!

Hope this helps



Lisa, have you been to Steve Kimberley? I was thinking of doing the same but have heard mixed reports, can you give me nay info please.



Steve's a nice bloke & knows HPR's better than he knows any other the other breeds in my view.

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can anyone recommend some good training dvds for HPR's if possible GWP specific. Also good training book recomendations would be appreciated




[try kragborg website, they are the biz, danish, but also in english, class tips, wish I had it when I got mine -saved some probs]

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2 Tom Brechney DVDs - Basic & Advanced.


The only HPR one's you'll need.

We would definitely agree butcherboy, best we have seen by far!

Steve Kimberley also has training DVDs on his website. He has over 20 years experience training gundogs, the training programme covers spaniels, retrievers and HPRs. We haven't seen them, but if his training days are anything to go by they should be good!

Hope this helps



Lisa, have you been to Steve Kimberley? I was thinking of doing the same but have heard mixed reports, can you give me nay info please.


I have been to one of his training days organised by BASC here

in Wales. Yes i would recommend him!

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i'd have to disagree with the range comment as my dogs are quite happy to keep within spaniel casting distance all day, and if need be a meter away for deer, a true hpr needs something that seems to be overlooked in many breeding programmes...... a gearbox.

far too many ill bred gwps have been bred to run and don't have the inbuilt gearbox to change to the conditions.

they were never meant to keep up with pointers and setters.

I agree Kiwi, this is something we are trying to educate hunters about over here. The GWPs/DD do have a reputation for being too out going for the type of hunting we have over here, but we use them on the shoot to do every thing from ranging out one or two fields when dogging in to hunting close in a pheasant drive on a shoot day, and also despatching foxes on vermin control!

The thing to remember with a GWP/DD is they will do whatever you train them to do. If you let them just run wild they will!!


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