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Net Mending

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Hi all


I have been making purse nets for quite a while now - and while the speed could be improved, I'm pretty happy with my ability. If I sit back infront the TV and have a relaxed go at it, I can complete a 3'6" spun poly (including drawcord & peg in about 2 hours, start to finish. Thats with 16 meshes wide the whole way through. Don't know if that's good or bad speed, but it suits me.


If I get a damaged pursenet I repair it by cutting away the entire damaged bit and starting from there with a new section, and finish with a new ring.


However, I also have a longnet (100 yard 6z nylon quickset with 100% bag from Bridport Nets). I have a couple small holes here and there and would like to know the best way to repair it.


Seems to be plenty of stuff and videos out there on making nets, but nothing on repairing. To me repairing seems more complex as it's more like knitting a spider's web rather than rows.


I am sure that making nets isn't everyone's cup of tea, or not something that everyone can find time or patience to do. However being able to repair damaged purse nets or longnets could be very useful indeed.


Pointers please Gentlemen!!

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