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chewing spaniel

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can anyone help had spaniels all my life just got a new one and all he wants to do is chew he's really starting to p... me off.

He lives in a kennel i think he will turn out to b a really good gun dog just got to get him out of the chewing. He's only 12 months old but i want to get him out of it sooner than later .ANY HELP THANKS HAPPY HUNTING. ;);):)

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You can get a product that stops Horse's cribbing, I can not remember what it is called but go to Farmway's or the like and they will tell you, you then paint it on the wood and they do not like the taste, other than that pen him in a Wire Cage but give him as much attention as possible, the chewing is Boredom. ATB.

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Try putting a dryed out log in the kennel that works

hi fella, wouldn't give him to many meaty dog chews, might make him hard in the mouth if he gets the taste for it.

what a load of rubbish i never heard so much crap!! make him hard in the mouth its natural for a dog to eat meat an bones an from experience give ur dog a good diet of meat an bone they seem to go an do a far better days work an look for better on it! back to the chewing i got a 6 year old spaniel bitch the only thing stops her chewing is bein in a galvanised pen i would advise you to try an buy a cheap galve pen or line the inside of ur kennel with inch square mesh hope that helps u mate.

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Mate,he's still a pup, thats what they do!! My springers, terriers and lurchers have all chewed until at least that age. most of its out of boredom, make sure theres plenty of stuff to occupy him & get him out whenever you can. Metal strips are the best to protect the kennel.

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