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Hi all not sure if this has been discussed before and I missed it but who do you all use for dog insurance and why.If anyone sees a reason not to get insured I'd also be interested to hear the reasons why.Just thinking I'm up to three dogs now and you know what they're like for getting injured and the prices vets charge,think its about time I covered my back

Regards Chris

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Hi Chris,

I have insurance on all my animals, I use petplan (I think) for the dogs (3) and NFU for the horses.

I think you can get the whole package with NFU (National Farmers Union), also BASC.

As you say, given what the dogs do day in, day out and the very high vets fees, I think insurance is a must.

All the best,


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I have two of my dogs insured and keep my fingers crossed nothing happens to the other one. Didn't get her done because insuring older dogs with some companies is a pain. Mines through petwise and is about £8 each per month :clapper:

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Got all mine insured, and as you know its been worth its weight in gold :rolleyes: 4 out of the 5 have required it, some more than once. Im with Direct line and have found them very reasonable, have a look at whoever insures your car/house etc, you will usually get a discount if you already have insurance with them. Other than that ive heard M&S do the cheapest. Check out the excess of all before deciding...they can vary hugely. You can work on about £10-£12 per dog per month as the average.


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