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favour to ask from the surrey or down sout boys.

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hear is the facts about the grazing project 3173 hectares right on your doorstep




Fact sheet


Surrey Wildlife Trust (SWT) and the MoD have recently signed a grazing

agreement to enable SWT to graze parts of the MoD estate in Surrey. The

land principally covered by the agreement includes Ash and Pirbright Ranges,

Hankley and Elstead Commons, an area of 3173 hectares. The MoD have

also signed a similar agreement with Hampshire Wildlife Trust to enable MoD

land in Hampshire to be grazed.

The MoD estate represents the most

outstanding examples of lowland heathland in

Surrey. Ash Ranges, for example at 1392

hectares, is one of the largest contiguous areas

of heathland in the South-East of England. All

the sites are internationally important for

wildlife: being notified as Site of Special

Scientific Interest, Special Protection Area

(SPA), and Special Area of Conservation

(SAC). (These later two designations being

under European legislation). They support

numerous rare plants, invertebrates and reptile species and significant

populations of the three SPA bird species: Woodlark, Dartford Warbler and

Nightjar. All three MoD sites are notified as SAC for dry heath, wet heath and

depressions on peat substrates; all of which are examples considered to be

one of the best areas in the UK. Ash Ranges and Hankley Common are

particularly renowned for their landscape quality.

The grazing agreement has been signed because English Nature, (now called

Natural England), who oversee the management of Sites of Special Scientific

Interest, like Ash Ranges, consider that grazing is an essential management

technique to enable favourable conservation condition to be achieved on

these sites. As it would be difficult for the MoD to manage grazing themselves

they were keen for the Surrey Wildlife Trust (SWT) to be involved. SWT has

experience of grazing sites of important conservation value, e.g. we have reintroduced

grazing management to heathland sites, such as Wisley Common

and Folly Bog, just to the north of Pirbright Ranges





ps i still have your ferret cage here

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yup all great, but still need permission lol, i can get the permision but i have to book the area in advance. and as you kow me here at pirbright i dont know what is happining in ten mins never mind 2 weeks lol


Don't you just look for a flag flying? That's what I do when I'm poachi... err walking the dog on mod grun.........

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yup all great, but still need permission lol, i can get the permision but i have to book the area in advance. and as you kow me here at pirbright i dont know what is happining in ten mins never mind 2 weeks lol


Don't you just look for a flag flying? That's what I do when I'm poachi... err walking the dog on mod grun.........


if the flags are down you can walk your dogs of the lead till your harts content

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yup all great, but still need permission lol, i can get the permision but i have to book the area in advance. and as you kow me here at pirbright i dont know what is happining in ten mins never mind 2 weeks lol


Don't you just look for a flag flying? That's what I do when I'm poachi... err walking the dog on mod grun.........


if the flags are down you can walk your dogs of the lead till your harts content


Exactly mate..... me thinks auld fraggle rock is looking for excuses..... :whistling:

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yup all great, but still need permission lol, i can get the permision but i have to book the area in advance. and as you kow me here at pirbright i dont know what is happining in ten mins never mind 2 weeks lol


Don't you just look for a flag flying? That's what I do when I'm poachi... err walking the dog on mod grun.........


if the flags are down you can walk your dogs of the lead till your harts content


Exactly mate..... me thinks auld fraggle rock is looking for excuses..... :whistling:



not excuses mate, legalities.


Lets think.


I am a squaddie, who instructs recruits, who is supposed to be a role model.

I get caught lamping on the land, by the range warden/police, i end up in a world of shit. i will be in front of my CO and end up in loads of trouble if not returned to my unit.

some people do like to do things legaly, i like my job ish.

not excuses bud just like things done wright.

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yup all great, but still need permission lol, i can get the permision but i have to book the area in advance. and as you kow me here at pirbright i dont know what is happining in ten mins never mind 2 weeks lol


Don't you just look for a flag flying? That's what I do when I'm poachi... err walking the dog on mod grun.........


if the flags are down you can walk your dogs of the lead till your harts content


Exactly mate..... me thinks auld fraggle rock is looking for excuses..... :whistling:



not excuses mate, legalities.


Lets think.


I am a squaddie, who instructs recruits, who is supposed to be a role model.

I get caught lamping on the land, by the range warden/police, i end up in a world of shit. i will be in front of my CO and end up in loads of trouble if not returned to my unit.

some people do like to do things legaly, i like my job ish.

not excuses bud just like things done wright.


im not talking about lamping the range im talking about stock breaking your dog to the cattle on there. or as said allready i will be happy to have you on my land for stock breaking to the horses.


if the dog is stock broken then more permission will be avilable to you.


as allready said i would have you out with me but god knows when as deans of to afgan and i dont know when i will have a night child free !!! for the next 6 months.



there must be some one else down this way that will take you out with them, im affraid i dont know any one though. they are all to blody posh

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many thanks mate and will take you up on the offer when you get a chance lol.

I will nip down to ash and have a wander around. should help no ends. thanks mate


That is true on the more permission, just would like to get her learning the lamp to.

Thanks mate

Catch you sunday

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