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favour to ask from the surrey or down sout boys.

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hey all, pup is now 12 months and want to start her working, and would love if someone in the area could help out, would like her to see dogs running, i only have a very small bit or permission mainly good for shooting, but if some one could help out on theirs it would be great, got dog, car,, and lamp so can do all that bit just need some one to help and show her the ropes lol.


Theirs a few people on here who can vouch i'm a decent person.

i dont screw people over, 29 years young, oh and a promise of a pint is offered aswell lol.



cheers all


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hey all, pup is now 12 months and want to start her working, and would love if someone in the area could help out, would like her to see dogs running, i only have a very small bit or permission mainly good for shooting, but if some one could help out on theirs it would be great, got dog, car,, and lamp so can do all that bit just need some one to help and show her the ropes lol.


Theirs a few people on here who can vouch i'm a decent person.

i dont screw people over, 29 years young, oh and a promise of a pint is offered aswell lol.



cheers all



29 years old :icon_eek: I'll be honest mate, with the pink in your moniker and the cruelty to the dog in your animation, I honestly had you down for 11, 12 tops!!!

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just about, not fully occasionaly she will head to the wind but never caused rtrouble or bit just runs over then runs back.


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......... :hmm: If I was you.... I'd concentrate on getting the basics right, you don't need land with rabbits on it to do that. No one is going to allow a potential sheep worrier on their land mate.... farmers don't take kindly to such things and before you know it, both you and him will be on here asking to go out with folk with permission lol.

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just about, not fully occasionaly she will head to the wind but never caused rtrouble or bit just runs over then runs back.


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......... :hmm: If I was you.... I'd concentrate on getting the basics right, you don't need land with rabbits on it to do that. No one is going to allow a potential sheep worrier on their land mate.... farmers don't take kindly to such things and before you know it, both you and him will be on here asking to go out with folk with permission lol.


i understand mate, but all the land around me has no cattle, so only time i can do this is when we travel, the permission i have is only wheat and pea fields no live stock so its hard to do. when ever where near cattle i go through the motions of when she looks, give a good yank and say no loud and firmly. she is getting there.

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just about, not fully occasionaly she will head to the wind but never caused rtrouble or bit just runs over then runs back.


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......... :hmm: If I was you.... I'd concentrate on getting the basics right, you don't need land with rabbits on it to do that. No one is going to allow a potential sheep worrier on their land mate.... farmers don't take kindly to such things and before you know it, both you and him will be on here asking to go out with folk with permission lol.


i understand mate, but all the land around me has no cattle, so only time i can do this is when we travel, the permission i have is only wheat and pea fields no live stock so its hard to do. when ever where near cattle i go through the motions of when she looks, give a good yank and say no loud and firmly. she is getting there.


Come come..... you can't be walking far enough.... You can't tell me in a 10 mile radius you ain't got no livestock??? Get it in amongst(don't look right) it as often as you can. Only way you can teach them they ain't worth bothering about.

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ash ranges has cattle grazing on it you could take her down there as you know ash ranges is huge but the cattle spend a lot of time near the henly park end. just walking her near them will help desensatise her and i can help with breaking to horses. i cant help with the lamping as my season has been ended allready (hubbie going to afgan again) so i have noone to look after the kids !! :cry: there are no sheep in this area at all so that is the tricky one !

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ash ranges has cattle grazing on it you could take her down there as you know ash ranges is huge but the cattle spend a lot of time near the henly park end. just walking her near them will help desensatise her and i can help with breaking to horses. i cant help with the lamping as my season has been ended allready (hubbie going to afgan again) so i have noone to look after the kids !! :cry: there are no sheep in this area at all so that is the tricky one !


Hope your husband returns safe.... Shouldn't be f*****g there but that's another topic.

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mate i live inpirbright wich is surrounded on all sides by military land, i am a army recruit instructor there. for me to get nr cattle is a good drive, yes i know its no excuse but when i am working 6-7 day weeks non stop it dose get hard getting out to places that has cattle. i do what training when i can. She has just hit 12 months and now is when her training will start full. I will of course let people know that she is not fully stock broken and if this is a drama on there land then i am not at all fussed if they said no. stock brocken is great yes, but not all land is full of cattle.


I am asking for some help to get her working on the lamp wich to me is more important that the stock breaking as the land i have has no stock. if i did get land that did have cattle on then i would be down there stock breaking her all times.


Also mate, i dont want farmers to see me nr there stok with a dog, i always ask or at least try to ask the farmer first if he dont mind me walking her near them.

I am trying maybe not as hard as some people would like but i am still trying.

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mate i live inpirbright wich is surrounded on all sides by military land, i am a army recruit instructor there. for me to get nr cattle is a good drive, yes i know its no excuse but when i am working 6-7 day weeks non stop it dose get hard getting out to places that has cattle. i do what training when i can. She has just hit 12 months and now is when her training will start full. I will of course let people know that she is not fully stock broken and if this is a drama on there land then i am not at all fussed if they said no. stock brocken is great yes, but not all land is full of cattle.


I am asking for some help to get her working on the lamp wich to me is more important that the stock breaking as the land i have has no stock. if i did get land that did have cattle on then i would be down there stock breaking her all times.


Also mate, i dont want farmers to see me nr there stok with a dog, i always ask or at least try to ask the farmer first if he dont mind me walking her near them.

I am trying maybe not as hard as some people would like but i am still trying.


Sounds to me like your doing fine mate. If you don't have stock near you, no matter mate. You need to forgive me, I like in jockland..... sheep come before people up here as many a deserted village is testament. So, it's one of the first thing you need to teach a dog up here or your as well taking up ferreting. Anyhow, your surrounded with MOD land right? Bound to be rabbits a plenty on it? Most mod land is teaming with wildlife.

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