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Putting a good case for FAC

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I warn you this maybe a bit long-winded, but i thank any replies i get, As i really am serious about this.


To give you the back ground. I am currently 17, have owned a SGC since i was 13-14 and its up for renewal when i hope to apply for a contermious SGC/FAC (expires mid january, im 18 3rd February). I am the only one in my household to hold a SGC and have experience of guns. My experience of hunting and shooting comes from my uncle who was a DIY gamekeeper and would take me along from the age of 3 ( he made me a stock for a 9mm garden gun so i could shoot the rats under supervision) and i am shooting more and more each year.


So obviously, due to my circumstances, the police have recently shown caution when i purchased MY first shotgun, but that turned out to be sorted with a phone call to my uncle to give them a character reference.


When it comes to applying for the certificates, i am somewhat concerned about how to put my case forward in the best possible manner. I was thinking of using additional charachter refernces from two of my techers (the ones who like me lol) as well as a friend of my uncle, who has known me all my life, i have shot with him too many times to recall and is a FAC holder and an ex policeman who i have worked with.


And the said FAC holder, lives a good 30miles away, and i dont know any other FAC holders who could mentor me, that said i have experience of the calibre i wish to aquire (.22lr). So would this be a major problem?


Im after any information you knowlegable people have, that could help my case out, or indeed if theres anything you think i could do with knowing....Thanks in advance....much apprieciated. :)


edited to say im with the met police

Edited by Sterry
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If you are a law abiding, sane and upstanding individual who can demonstrate good reason to be granted a fac I can assure you it will be granted. How do you think we all got ours.


If you have any concerns why don't you phone your local firearms licensing manager and have a chat, he wont bite and you will get advice pertinent to you straight from the horses mouth.

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I warn you this maybe a bit long-winded, but i thank any replies i get, As i really am serious about this.



Im after any information you knowlegable people have, that could help my case out, or indeed if theres anything you think i could do with knowing....Thanks in advance....much apprieciated. :)


edited to say im with the met police



First, you seem to be a decent young chap, so I wish you the best.

Second, the information you want to know is very much dependant up on how the police perceive your knowledge and character.

No person on here can give you the correct answers, just an opinion and may be some guidance, you are better off, calling your Licensing department and asking to speak to an FEO. Explain what you have explained here, and ask his opinion. I too was 17 when first granted my FAC and was let loose on the local wildlife with a .22rf and I had a LOT less experience than you have. Sometimes, it's just best to take it to the horse and get their opinion. If you disagree with what they tell you (which could and most likely be in your favour), then you can always run it passed the BASC firearms dept or whoever your insurance provider uses. If you were closer, I would write you in to one of my leases and provide mentorship, there may be someone closer that could do the same?



Edited by HUnter_zero
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hi, and good luck with your application, is the ground you shoot over undulating or flat is there many footpaths crossing it, these are some of the questions they'll want to know if the ground has not been cleared and they'll want to check it over, if it is cleared it'll be a lot easier to get your rifle.


do some research on bullet velocities, know where you can take safe shots on your ground, basically be savvied up when they come to see you.

cheers stanford.

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I warn you this maybe a bit long-winded, but i thank any replies i get, As i really am serious about this.


To give you the back ground. I am currently 17, have owned a SGC since i was 13-14 and its up for renewal when i hope to apply for a contermious SGC/FAC (expires mid january, im 18 3rd February). I am the only one in my household to hold a SGC and have experience of guns. My experience of hunting and shooting comes from my uncle who was a DIY gamekeeper and would take me along from the age of 3 ( he made me a stock for a 9mm garden gun so i could shoot the rats under supervision) and i am shooting more and more each year.


So obviously, due to my circumstances, the police have recently shown caution when i purchased MY first shotgun, but that turned out to be sorted with a phone call to my uncle to give them a character reference.


When it comes to applying for the certificates, i am somewhat concerned about how to put my case forward in the best possible manner. I was thinking of using additional charachter refernces from two of my techers (the ones who like me lol) as well as a friend of my uncle, who has known me all my life, i have shot with him too many times to recall and is a FAC holder and an ex policeman who i have worked with.


And the said FAC holder, lives a good 30miles away, and i dont know any other FAC holders who could mentor me, that said i have experience of the calibre i wish to aquire (.22lr). So would this be a major problem?


Im after any information you knowlegable people have, that could help my case out, or indeed if theres anything you think i could do with knowing....Thanks in advance....much apprieciated. :)


edited to say im with the met police





Chap..I wish you all the best but I can't help thinking..................


What makes you think you will need a mentor?


If you have so much experience and shot so frequently with your uncle and this ex policeman what have they said???


You only need 2 references!


....and if you have the reason/land and you already have SGC and this wealth of experience I'm struggling to see a problem or just what advice you want!


ATB! :thumbs:

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Thanks for everyones replies, I'll write to my FEO, he seems a really genuine guy.


The reason i was worried was because of my age, and the concerns expressed by the firearms team of when i brought my shotgun (A hand made english sbs double trigger sidelock....hardly the weapon of choice for a thug...if you know what i mean) made me feel like i was under more scrutany than someone older than myself, which is partly acceptable, i understand they have to be careful where young people are concerned, but i was worried what these concerns would make it more difficult for me to get a rifle.

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Thanks for everyones replies, I'll write to my FEO, he seems a really genuine guy.


The reason i was worried was because of my age, and the concerns expressed by the firearms team of when i brought my shotgun (A hand made english sbs double trigger sidelock....hardly the weapon of choice for a thug...if you know what i mean) made me feel like i was under more scrutany than someone older than myself, which is partly acceptable, i understand they have to be careful where young people are concerned, but i was worried what these concerns would make it more difficult for me to get a rifle.

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I'll write to my FEO, he seems a really genuine guy.


The reason i was worried was because of my age,



Well done! you have a genuinely mature attitude and IMHO deserve the chance to prove you are a good candidate to own firearms. Never let your age stand in your way, I have seen and shot with some very dangerous 60 year olds who had no idea at all about gun safety or safe shooting practices.



All the best.



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I agree, I don't see your age being a problem, you just need to make sure you don't get stereotyped and I think you'll be fine as you are aware of the perceptions that can happen, and the ways to fight them. Good luck with it, but I doubt you'll need it!

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Thanks for everyones replies, I'll write to my FEO, he seems a really genuine guy.


The reason i was worried was because of my age, and the concerns expressed by the firearms team of when i brought my shotgun (A hand made english sbs double trigger sidelock....hardly the weapon of choice for a thug...if you know what i mean) made me feel like i was under more scrutany than someone older than myself, which is partly acceptable, i understand they have to be careful where young people are concerned, but i was worried what these concerns would make it more difficult for me to get a rifle.


i got my rimfire at the dandy age of 17 with absolutely no problems at all. like you i already had a fair amount of experience with firearms so it was pretty simple. 8 very simple days actually. has to be some kind of record.


if you dont want to wait until january send off for it now and ask for co-terminous. it worked fine for me even though your certificate isnt up for renewal yet.


your choice mate but bon chance

Edited by arveyboy
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