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Hi fellas need some advice my ESS and BC both seem to get ear infections regularly n each time its £40+ at the vets i try to keep wiped down [bANNED TEXT] we been out for walks n stuff but it still happens can anyone suggest anything or is anyone having similar problems?

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my staffy gets ear infections the first time it hapend i knew what it was but i had to see the vet befour he gave me medication he looked in his ear for a second and charged me 40 pound 27 pound just to be seen the rest for medicen .

now i just buy the stuff from the pet shop 2 pound and it clears up in a couple of days

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My godfather used to have ESS's and we all know they have ear problems!

He had a 'recipie' for a treatment which I will try to get and post here.

From memory it was a mix of Tetmasol and peroxide! Watered down obviously!

His dogs ears were always clear and didnt smell!

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Most important thing is to keep the ear hole plucked and clean.

I wipe my beddys ears out with Cleanaural once a week and I also find garlic in the food helps.

You can use dried garlic powder or half a clove a day and I am sure this really helps with minor infections, I also hear it helps to keep fleas away.


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make sure your keep treating te ear for a few weeks even if has cleared up ,they are probebly ear mites and eggs can hatch from 1 week to 4 weeks and then the infection will start over again . try thornit or tep same thing but works .but follow instructions and keep treating and it will go away .if your have a few dogs treat them all but make sure you keep the treatment up

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Hi, Although is rather difficult without seeing the dog it may be the common ailment of Ear Mite. I have found that Canaural is by far the best product. Your vet should be able to sell you a small bottle cheaply. I think at cost its about £8, but i could be wrong in that statement.

Either one or both ears could be affected but i would always recommend treating both. A couple of drops into the inner ear followed by a lengthy massage of the ear is what i would do. Then use some soft toilet or kitchen towel to wipe out the gunk that has surfaced. It will be almost a reddy/black colour generally if it is ear mites.

What is important is that you keep the treatment up regularly as just one dose will not work IMO. I try to do the dog three or four times a week, say, every other day. I have had no problem and they seem to be back to perfect shape in no time....

Your vet will be able to advise......good Luck.....JD

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