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Buddy bottle Rapid

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I got the gun out to have a plink in the garden today and it had no air in :blink: ?? I presumed i hadn't done it up tight enough last timed i filled it so filled it again. After filling it to 190 with my pump :boredom: i pulled the trigger and nothing. I took it to my local gun man and we played around with the gun and bottle for a while and realised that the valve on the top of the bottle wasn't working properly :wallbash: You can push the needle in the top of the bottle in and it will release air but it won't shut back properly ? He said he can order a new valve if needed but thought it was best to go home and search on the interweb to see if anyone could help before spending money i didn't need to :clapper: I was wondering if maybe a bit of dirt or grit has got inside the bottle some how and stopping the valve from fully closing. Is it possible for me to check without damaging the bottle ??

Also spotted myself a nice R - 10 in his goody cabinet :gunsmilie: and thinking she will be mine once the rapid bottle is sorted. I cant sell a gun that doesn't work !! Thanks in advance peeps

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It fills with air then, either the valve will not release when i screw it into the rifle or will not shut and just keeps releasing air. If i push the valve with an allen key to release the air it wont shut properly and just keeps leaking. We filled it 3 times at the shop ( Without any money changing hands for the privilage :) ) as i thought maybe trying to blast out something if stuck in there. I did think about spraying WD-40 in it but didn't want to do anything untill i found out what could be done

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I'd be taking the valve out and having a look (once the bottle Is empty!) It could just be some shit or something stuck In the valve. I've never had the valve out and don't know the ins and outs of them so can't helps any more. Are you on R7OC? If you are, try asking on there. I'm sure someone will know for sure.

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