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rat attack smoker

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anyone got one of these? if so what are they like?

my mate is wanting one but arthurcarter is sold out does anyone else sell them, cheers HF

cancel it and get your money back , ive tried it and its no good . we have had problems with the rat attack , seems like it will work but when we were trying it in deep established warrens we were struggling to get a bolt . i think what happens is the smoke that comes immediatly from the tip is hot and looks good but as it cools on entry it just condenses to the surfaces of the runs. we had the farmer watch us with our new fantastic bit of kit only for us to smoke a place under a concrete floor of a grain store that we new held big numbers, for over 30mins with no rats . then the end ignited which sparked up all the vapour in the rat holes with a massive bang and the floor lifted. the farmer wasnt impressed and neither were we . its proper use is as an insect repeller so just not built for the job. thermal fogger is the correct term , if you google this you will find the exact model from the us at much cheaper than the uk, thank god i didnt pay uk for it as ive thrown it!!


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We bought a Rat Attack a couple of weeks ago. Opened the box, followed the instructions to get it going ect.


Worked for all of 5 minutes, producing lots of smoke. Then it stopped working. Followed the instructions for unblocking it, cleaning it etc. Still wouldn't work. Tried all sorts and it just would not work again. Took pump apart and cleaned it, cleaned the coil... nothing.


So next morning Malc was back on the phone to Arthur Carters asking to send it back. They were really helpful and arranged for their courier to come and collect it and they gave us a full refund.


We'll be sticking to the strimmer conversion from now on!


Rat Attacks - waste of money, and for us a wasted 3 or 4 hours trying to get it working after the inital blast!



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