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got my first ferret

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  droid said:
  ferret-boy said:
  BennyS said:
I wouldnt go down the route of slapping it on the nose. You'll end up with a ferret that will be afraid of its life of you. Feed him well and then handle him. Ferret is prob nervous aswell. New huth/people etc. Getting the dog used to the ferret might take a bit more effort. Goodluck with him :thumbs:



well its allwways worked with me :)


Would it work ON you?

:laugh: That's nothing D, when mine misbehave I tie string round their tails and play conkers with them! :D

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  hunter16 said:
as above got my first ferret and was grand the whole way home..... when i went to feed him last night he nearly took my hand off and this morning the same... and i also need to break my two dogs to him how should i go about this??



my last years youg were still nipping me in oct but were find by the end its all to do with the handleing one thing i do is pick them up if they dont bite i let them out for a run in the garden the next day i do the same they soon get the message if they bie they dont go out as for introduse to the dog my 4 year old spainel is out with them and they chase him all ove the place now i got a new pup she is mad goes to them picks them up carry them in the house when they see her coming they run bacl in the shed

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yep spit doesit and regular handling, mine was a bitch to start with but is sound now( i rather flick the nose than slap!)

as someone said with regards to dogs, mine are mad to play with the pup, he gets a bit pissed when they bite him and squeaks but it hasn't put him off at all. like a mad house when they get going! stealing of toys,hiding under sofas to attack the next moving thing........... great fun.


how old is the terrier bud? has he been ratting? or just a game dog. if he has a strong head it may take some work. try getting an indoor cage so he can see one all the time,day and night.( try to be close,clever buggers sometimes!)

if you can sort it you will have a good team, but be sure the dog is sound.

good luck.

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sorry broke the computer lol ahm the jill 6 months im waiting for her to settle before i get her sister.... shes quietened alot now but still likes to grab hold of my glove but leaves go after a few seconds........ must try this spit thing tho.....


also the terrier a border about 4-5 hes done a bit of ratting but not much mostly just goes to the farm next door and does it of his own accord..... lurchers nearly 10 months and he just sniffs the ferret and runs away.....


how should i call her back if i leave her about the garden??



sorry for all the questions its just i take alot of pride in my animals and like to make sure iv done it right to give them the best start to working

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