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Hi there now i have a question for those of you that are more experinced then me :icon_redface:


Now i have heard that you cant get the feather gene from a 1st cross saluki/grey is this true?


Also what crosses would you get the feather gene to be more prominent?


thank you in advance



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right so on a talking sake if to pass one the gene the would either need to be 3/4 breed or a 1st cross to another 1st cross?


This is a bit confusing. But then genetics would defo not be my strong point.



cheers poacher & dances

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  poacher3161 said:
Just going on wat i have seen and bred.3 quarter saluki produces most feathering .I have never seen it in a genuine f1x but have seen feathering in the ofspring of two f1x.atb dell


i have no experience of salukis or how the feathering is inherited but from what poacher is saying here it would appear the feathering gene is recessive to the smooth gene and backed up by what Riohog said.


So based on that:


A feathered saluki must have 2 genes for feathering (one from each parent) for it to show as feathered because if it only had 1 feathered gene and 1 smooth gene it would appear smooth coated as the smooth gene is the "stonger/dominant" gene.


So when you mate to a greyhound (smooth) the smooth gene again takes over the feathered one but the pup would still have a feathered gene from the saluki parent. When you mate this back to a feathered saluki you will get some feathered and some smooth. if you mate it to another dog of the same cross you would theoretically get proportionally more feathered to smooth.

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As had been said feathering is a recessive trait when compared to the smooth coat. I doubt however that it is as simple as a single loci gene (ie one pair or two genes) I suspect it is a slightly cumulative trait. This is because you can and do get degrees of feathering. To be honest know one really knows the exact properties of the gene. Colouration is the one that has the most information about.


There are a number of breeds of dog that do/can exhibit feathering. Salukis as you've already got; also, collies, setters, pointers etc


If you had the time and resources you could breed the feathering trait into any breed. However this would involve some outcrossing and it is unlikely that the breed societies would let you register them as purebred......


I think the most obvious question is why do you ask? What are you thinking of trying or wanting to achieve?

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Thank you sorley


the reaon i was asking is that i have a bitch she is quite feathered on both ears & tail. And her coat is a good lenth not too short.

I bought a male dog he is so i have been lead to belive a 1st cross saluki/grey. I am NOT breeding in the near future just wondering if the gene would pass if i was to cross the two. As i was thinking of maybe trying in a few years time. Thank you sorley you and others for being helpfull in my question.




btw "its ma baw"



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