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just how watched this site is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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if you mess with a bull then you best beware of the horns!!! a good life philosify



I agree and any more of those abusive texts I received from you tonight questioning my sexuality and i'll be up to yours to spank your bottom.............

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What i dont understand is if your an anti why the feck would you join a hunting site? <_< If you dont like the sport then dont torture yourself and others by reading and viewing some of the stuff here.Go find a carrot racing site or cabbage rolling or whatever antis do for fun.Leave the rest of us alone opinions are like assholes everyones got one!they dont get told not to be antis or veggies whatever so why tell people who hunt they cant or shouldnt be doing it

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Yep,weve been watched since this site was set up,its no secret and should come as no surprise,surely? But,as always,theres no telling some folk,and all the wannabe's will keep on posting pics and incriminating themselves,then come on here moaning about being raided. :doh:

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May i take this oppertunity to suggest to any members of this countrys fine boys in blue who feel the need to monitor this site, that they would doubtless be better off monitoring the sites of the various anti-bloodsports organisations.


Some of these people express the extremist political views anyone in this country will see (some would suggest akin to terrorism and actually showing little concern for genuine animal welfare) and any officer keen to boost his arrest rate could do worse than infiltrate these organisations, think of it as career progression.


Its a shame that many of these extremists are now so called hunt monitors and are responsible for bringing nonsense cases to court for the judges to throw out at the tax payers expense, sorry going off at a tangent here but they do annoy me.


all the best


fin and fur

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