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Why oh why....

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i hate people like that i had a brilliant place 40ish rabbits in 7 acres in the middle of nowhere. there is a house o the edge of the field. the people who live there are city twats. when me and my dad go lamping there she will get out her torch and shine it all round the field looking for us and scaring of the rabbits. she shines the torch at u shouting murders murders my dad said lets leave i said no he stayed where he was i walked over to her and said wat is ur problem the farmer says we can be here and u have just scared all the rabbits away.


her comeback "was ur scaring the little flufy bunnies" i said are u a meat eater she said yes how do u think we get meat she said from then supermarket and just left.


she than rang the farmer and complaned the farmer said carry on so the next time we came back (3days later) she complaned again and i have lost that field now

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  tommygun166 said:
i hate people like that i had a brilliant place 40ish rabbits in 7 acres in the middle of nowhere. there is a house o the edge of the field. the people who live there are city twats. when me and my dad go lamping there she will get out her torch and shine it all round the field looking for us and scaring of the rabbits. she shines the torch at u shouting murders murders my dad said lets leave i said no he stayed where he was i walked over to her and said wat is ur problem the farmer says we can be here and u have just scared all the rabbits away.


her comeback "was ur scaring the little flufy bunnies" i said are u a meat eater she said yes how do u think we get meat she said from then supermarket and just left.


she than rang the farmer and complaned the farmer said carry on so the next time we came back (3days later) she complaned again and i have lost that field now



And that is what usually happens, they shout loud enough and we lose :thumbdown:

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  Deker said:
Out on new piece of land on Monday, and as many do, this had public footpaths all over the place.


Only using the .22lr to clear some bunnies from an Arabian Horse Stud, turns out that 17 of the 19 we collected had mixxy and whilst the other 2 looked clear it's difficult to imagine they were not infected too...


About an hour into the shoot as we walked the land with guns shouldered a disembodied cry came from behind the bushes covering the footpath..."Murderers"


Never did see the culpret...


Now ...we are all entitled to a view, but as it happens how wrong/misguided and uninformed can this idiot have been this time...we were actually doing and excellent job of animal welfare in putting these very sad bunnies out of their misery on this occasion!


What a strange world we live in!!


Another thing . . . These are the same people who pay over the odds for "organic " food and free range eggs. Have their dim little minds ever contemplated what a fox can do to their feathery friends? Or that organic lamb they laid in for Sunday?

Incidentally, I can't speak for anyone else but I've never eaten inorganic food.


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other than that how much more ORGANIC can you get than having lived a healthy life outdoors( without anti biotics etc) than a rabbit?

good food rich in omega 3 for nothing( the cost of a pellet/round)

and to top it all its killed stress free in a humane manner.

i have worked in slaughter houses and i know which way i would prefer. herded,strange place,smell of blood,squeals of the dying OR minding my own buisness munching someones crop and the last thing that goes through your mind is.....around 5.5 mm of "what the f*** was that!!"


other than that i enjoy the sport.

keep it up lads,balls to the lot of them.

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Actually I was watching a rerun of QI on some sky channel. For anyone that's not seen it it's Steven Fry and a panel of "comedians" in a sort of sophisticated q&A series, Anyway back to the point.


Rabbit, evidentally is the only form of meat that you cannot survive on alone/totally. IE if you eat rabbit only, eventually you will die, and I don't mean from old age ;)

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With one of my landowners, I am very lucky - took my old 22-250 out for a couple of afternoons of zeroing/testing. No mod and close to houses so it annoyed them, landowner basically said "Well you're doing me a favour keeping an eye on the land and keeping the vermin down, they can f*** off". And she's pretty forceful so she'd say that!


I made a point of getting something with a moderator in the spirit of compromise, but it didn't stop me getting notes on the windscreen telling me to go to Iraq if I enjoyed shooting so much. Ah f*** 'em, just gotta play enough politics to keep the landowners happy really.

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  cyclonebri1 said:
Actually I was watching a rerun of QI on some sky channel. For anyone that's not seen it it's Steven Fry and a panel of "comedians" in a sort of sophisticated q&A series, Anyway back to the point.


Rabbit, evidentally is the only form of meat that you cannot survive on alone/totally. IE if you eat rabbit only, eventually you will die, and I don't mean from old age ;)


Not according to my sources. If you only ever eat human flesh you are overwhelmingly likely to suffer all sorts of vitamin deficiency diseases. Beri-beri, kwashiorkor, not to mention the DREADED SILEBY GALLOPING CLAP.

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  RicW said:
  cyclonebri1 said:
Actually I was watching a rerun of QI on some sky channel. For anyone that's not seen it it's Steven Fry and a panel of "comedians" in a sort of sophisticated q&A series, Anyway back to the point.


Rabbit, evidentally is the only form of meat that you cannot survive on alone/totally. IE if you eat rabbit only, eventually you will die, and I don't mean from old age ;)


Not according to my sources. If you only ever eat human flesh you are overwhelmingly likely to suffer all sorts of vitamin deficiency diseases. Beri-beri, kwashiorkor, not to mention the DREADED SILEBY GALLOPING CLAP.


Perhaps thats why canibalism died out then ;)

Should have said animal then, ;) ,same thing with rabbits evidentally

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  Mr_Logic said:
With one of my landowners, I am very lucky - took my old 22-250 out for a couple of afternoons of zeroing/testing. No mod and close to houses so it annoyed them, landowner basically said "Well you're doing me a favour keeping an eye on the land and keeping the vermin down, they can f*** off". And she's pretty forceful so she'd say that!


I made a point of getting something with a moderator in the spirit of compromise, but it didn't stop me getting notes on the windscreen telling me to go to Iraq if I enjoyed shooting so much. Ah f*** 'em, just gotta play enough politics to keep the landowners happy really.


It's a problem tho', ok farmer Joe saying "f**k 'em it's my land". Notes on the windscreen is one thing, "murdering scumbag" scratched down the side of your pride and joy is another. That happened to both me and a old shooting aqaintance, same area so probably the same twat. Your right it becomes a bit political, but you have to do enough to keep both sides happy. Don't forget one phone call and your'e likely to be surounded by armed "authority figures" :icon_redface::(

Edited by cyclonebri1
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The Armed Police bit I can deal with, I have paperwork :D


But yes, take your point on the locals. Luckily for me the main culprit is about 95 and doesn't care too much about animals as far as I can tell, it's just the noise. Still a pain though - I like America - out with a .308 all afternoon, we fired off God knows how many rounds, and within earshot of others just about too. Nobody cares, it's only a gun after all! Different mindset and a really refreshing one.

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  Mr_Logic said:
The Armed Police bit I can deal with, I have paperwork :D


But yes, take your point on the locals. Luckily for me the main culprit is about 95 and doesn't care too much about animals as far as I can tell, it's just the noise. Still a pain though - I like America - out with a .308 all afternoon, we fired off God knows how many rounds, and within earshot of others just about too. Nobody cares, it's only a gun after all! Different mindset and a really refreshing one.



Any more detail?, was it friends or did you book something on hols etc??

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