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Why oh why....

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Out on new piece of land on Monday, and as many do, this had public footpaths all over the place.


Only using the .22lr to clear some bunnies from an Arabian Horse Stud, turns out that 17 of the 19 we collected had mixxy and whilst the other 2 looked clear it's difficult to imagine they were not infected too...


About an hour into the shoot as we walked the land with guns shouldered a disembodied cry came from behind the bushes covering the footpath..."Murderers"


Never did see the culpret...


Now ...we are all entitled to a view, but as it happens how wrong/misguided and uninformed can this idiot have been this time...we were actually doing and excellent job of animal welfare in putting these very sad bunnies out of their misery on this occasion!


What a strange world we live in!!

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yes but those rabbits dying alow painfull death is nature taking its course but you shooting them is murder!


people seem to think we are no longer a part of nature for some reason!




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muppets had a guy like that once come up to my brother asking what he was doing over the farm with a rifle ? i come over as it my permission and asked what the problem was. he then said what where we doing on there shooting ! i asked him what was it to him and that i had permission to shoot over here and if he didnt mind sticking to the footpaths and not walking all over land that didnt belong to him.


you should have seen his face he said i he had more right to be there then me yet i had permission off farmer and he was just a walker not sticking to paths or anything. and best bit was wwhen he left he didnt even shut the gate he went through to get back on the pathway :bye: :wankerzo4:

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i lost a permission 2 days ago, some kids with air rifles have been shooting at a knackered old caravan, although the farmers know it wasn't me they said " the kids see you walking around and follow by example" i wanted to slap the B8tch for being so cheeky.......follow by example! what is that supposed to mean!?


i told her i have never seen kids round here, so clearly they aren't seeing me and "following by example" and if i had seen them, they wouldn't be shooting here any more blah blah, also told her it was hardly fair to tar me with the same brush as a 12 year old scrotum sack!


not that it really matter its only about 30 acres max, out of about 300 that i have over other farms, but its the principle.

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it is a problem we have to live with( i blame f***ing bambi/watership down).

the problem being that these people have no/very little knowledge of how important the "job" is that we do.

not only do we reduce problem causing vermin reducing the ammount of livestock a farmer can hold on his land( four rabbits eating as much as one sheep apparantly) but also keeping the wildlife healthy mixy,tularamie,rhd,fox worm (echinocochen) etc etc

along with this protecting endangered species of ground nesters,looking after hedges,keeping the countyside as it should be,IN BALANCE!!!!

as long as crows a fed on land fill sites and move into the fields to brood they will need reducing/culling.

ducks/pigeon fed in the towns,fall into crops causing considerable damage.



etc etc. these people are idealistic fools( not necessarily stupid,but unwilling to SEE)

i can relate to anybody taking offfence at killing of anything.if the reason is not justified.

if a person voices any concern to me i usually ask them if they are vegatarien? if so they had better not be wearing leather shoes/belt/handbags.

i can respect their views,as they should respect mine.

i shoot out of passion for the sport,fo the good of the countryside and mostly because i bloody enjoy it and the majority of my quarry is sweet,beutifull and unfortunately for them taste excellant!

try to reason with/educate these people,give them a rabbit to try.

we need support,not antis.

atb best and try not to lose your cool :)

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What a strange world we live in!!



It's the damage they can do!

I have had the misfortune to deal with these people on a few occasions and lost two very good shoots but better lose a shoot than my FAC. We used to have the sole shooting rights to a disused quarry, this place was brill. Hours of crow shooting, loads of bunny bashing and best of all a large pond that was used by Duck & Goose. We could shoot clays to our heart content. The place was the safest rifle range I have ever seen totally enclosed three hundred yard range, we even had plans to try and get it approved as a range. All in all, a shooters dream.

However, the two neighbours were not so happy. To the left was a woman who owned horses and was a complete anti-gun nut. To the right was a small holder who fancied his chances with the woman and was equally anti-gun. This had nothing at all to do with animal welfare. We spotted 'him' tampering with our cars, one of them smashed glass all over the entrance so we could not drive out. We had allegations of stealing sheep from this chaps small holding, she call the vets out to inspect her horses claiming we had shot at them. They even went so far to stand behind a pub and throw lead shot on the roof when we were shooting in the quarry. They would write and call the owners of the quarry every week. All this to stop us shooting. They tried the police route with no joy but this was before the pistol ban and the police seems more tolerant to gun owners,as did the public at large.

We tried everything we could to rectify the situation, what ever we did was turn against us or thrown back in our faces. In the end there was nothing for it but to stop shooting in the quarry. It was just after the Hamlton incedent, guns, shootings, law and all sorts of things were in the press so we pulled out and have never gone back. More recently I was given permission to shoot the rabbits around a very large and very well known manufacturers, moth balled factory. I kid you not when I say the rabbits are twice as big as I have ever seen. The FM gave me permission. My Employer also has a contract to carry out pest control (rats and mice) on the site, so the site is well known to me. However my employer has no interest in the rabbits and the FM has no interest in paying for the rabbits to diminish. Okay me thinks, what a cracker. Monster rabbits here I come!! The type of site and layout of the site means that I can only really use an airgun for the rabbits, so a friend and I turn up 11pm one night, pull in to security and explained that I had already phoned the head of security and the FM earlier that day to arrange access, this security guard flew of the handle, explaining he had named every rabbits and knew every rabbits personally (I have no doubt, very personally by the sound of it). He was going to complain to his employer, phone the owners of the site and complain about the FM, who was on very rocky ground with the site owners! Call his union who hated guns. He would complain to the Queen if he had too! The guys face turn a funny colour of beetroot red, at that point I turned got back in the car and just drove off. It's just not worth the hassle anymore.



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god forbid,


if the supermarkets had to close overnight, how many do gooders, do you think woyld starve..?


todays modern why of life is far removed from what it was 30 or 40 years ago...


the countryside way of life is one that many people just don't seem to fathom in the modern era.....


the get the chicken in wrapping.... ham pre sliced...... gone are the days when they would have to kill their own livestock for food...


its a shame that their vaules changed, and skills also as the modern way of life does its daily grind...



don't worry about the do gooders, or tree huggers.... then scum know no better....!!!!!




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Out on new piece of land on Monday, and as many do, this had public footpaths all over the place.


Only using the .22lr to clear some bunnies from an Arabian Horse Stud, turns out that 17 of the 19 we collected had mixxy and whilst the other 2 looked clear it's difficult to imagine they were not infected too...


About an hour into the shoot as we walked the land with guns shouldered a disembodied cry came from behind the bushes covering the footpath..."Murderers"


Never did see the culpret...


Now ...we are all entitled to a view, but as it happens how wrong/misguided and uninformed can this idiot have been this time...we were actually doing and excellent job of animal welfare in putting these very sad bunnies out of their misery on this occasion!


What a strange world we live in!!


I'm at university (at the ripe old age of 61). I once "admitted" being interested in shooting and nearly got myself lynched. Apparently even pure target shooters are evil because they are just sublimating their real desire to kill innocent creatures. Mind, there is one guy I've met who is Ukrainian and ex-Spetsnatz. I get the opposite from him. Mention 22lr and he sneers at me and starts on about his Dragunov 14.5mm. Can't bloody win!


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My problem with antis is that they think because they disagree they've a right to stop us shooting - why can't they just disagree?! We're not hurting them, and as has been mentioned they'd better be bloody vegetarian if they start on at me.


It REALLY annoys me, more than pretty much anything else, EXCEPT that the Government condones this persecution! We as a minority surely have the same right as other minorities - if you got as much abuse for being black for example, the abuser would be in court.

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on the line of knowing no better:

they did a survey in berlin, big city/city kids from 5 to 15.

multiple choice questions,


a, what colour are ducks most chosen answear.......... yellow( mosyly depicted as chicks)


b,what colour are cows.............................................purple and white( milka chocolate)


the only thing they knew about were wild boar, habitat of course.........town parks and allotments



a sad state to be in,most kids know more about lions/elephant than the sparrow or rabbit.

these are the future tree huggers.who know naff all about what goes on but don't think it ethical to kill.macdonalds is ok,oh and fish( but not with the head and tail.

if it wasn't so tragic it would be funny.

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My problem with antis is that they think because they disagree they've a right to stop us shooting - why can't they just disagree?! We're not hurting them, and as has been mentioned they'd better be bloody vegetarian if they start on at me.


It REALLY annoys me, more than pretty much anything else, EXCEPT that the Government condones this persecution! We as a minority surely have the same right as other minorities - if you got as much abuse for being black for example, the abuser would be in court.

But what about the rights of the bunny-wunnies and the poor ickle foxy-woxies? If howwible people like us keep shooting at them/ chasing them with big ugly dogs,/ little ugly dogs /netting 'em,/snaring 'em . . . they won't be able to exercise their wight to eat our food, fk up our farmers and generally act as PESTS. And that wouldn't do at all. The fact that 90%of these cretins eat meat is irrelevant. So they say. I HATE HYPOCRITES.


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To them I would say they are ANIMALS, and as such we can't ask them nicely to behave sensibly and comply with the law, so they must be shot. Since they are against animal experimentation we cannot develop a device to give us mind control on foxy and bunny, so we must use our existing device to remove the mind from the animal instead!

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To them I would say they are ANIMALS, and as such we can't ask them nicely to behave sensibly and comply with the law, so they must be shot. Since they are against animal experimentation we cannot develop a device to give us mind control on foxy and bunny, so we must use our existing device to remove the mind from the animal instead!

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

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But what about the rights of the bunny-wunnies I HATE HYPOCRITES.



For the life of me I can not remember where or when I read this, but it worked for the author and worked for me a few weeks back.


Anti: Your a bl00dy MURDERER........

Me: Yes, I hate doing this for a living too but I lost my job a few months back and the landowner has agreed to pay me £5 for every rabbit I shoot and I plan to shoot six tonight. So if you want to give me £30, I'll finish work early and leave the rabbits be.


Don't bank on getting your money but it shuts them up fast. :)



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