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My 1st proper days ferreting


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It was my 1st proper days ferreting today, didn't catch many only 3 but to be honest it was a good day.

Only downside was that I was ferreting on my old college grounds and I only found out last minute that today was an introduction day and so wherever I went there were people. Even in the most secluded bit of the college some family felt like having a walk there, and by the looks of there faces they where not impressed.


I hit a small hedge warren 1st at about 9.30am and got 2 rabbits out of it, 1 full grown and one 3/4 grown.






And the 2 from this hedge




I then went on down the hedge a bit where I know there where a few in there as I have seen some pop there heads out.








I put one of the ferrets down and within 10 seconds a squeal and a rabbit was trying to bolt but had a ferret up his ass.

But pulled it out and a quick dispatch and so all is well.




So ferret surfaced after about 20 minutes down and I thought ok let him have a break, I put him back in the box and start pulling nets up and what happens..................2 rabbits bolt from different holes, I was not best pleased but I guess thats ferreting for you.

I would of done more but there was too many people about and I don't like causing a scene. So 1st thing saturday morning and me and my friend are going to do the whole hedge and he has a terrier to help so should be fun and will keep you posted.


End result 3 rabbits






Edited by JoeD
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Has the terrier been broken to ferrets? If not I wouldnt go near it. Even if its ok with them around the house remember when its got rabbits on its mind and all exited they can turn. If its been brought up with them then you shouldnt have a problem.


Well done, It gets better further into the season too.



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I am very lucky indeed as the farmer cut back all the undergrowth and cut back all the hedges so I can ferret it otherwise I would be waiting a few more months, he has done this right around the farm so I am supprised that he made the effort to do it but I am very gratefull he did aswell.



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Nice one little bro looking foward to coming down for a spot of ferrreting with you in October


There will be plenty of rabbits then as when you go to the place we are going all you see is white tails bobbing up and down as they run off, must of counted 50+ rabbits in like 2 hours. Haven't ferreted that part of the land yet.



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