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First fox drives were a good success for our youngster cross-breds, spaniel/terriers at 8 months.... U.G's bitch is a real looker aswell, whereas mine is an ugly, hairy, timid little freak, hopefully he will come out of his shell once he gets out with the rest of the pack some day.

Still, it was a good do, the pups learnt the scent of a fox, and we made a landowner very happy too!


U.G's Bitch





Ill get some up of my wee dog, and the older entered bitch soon, it would be great to see Cotswolds dog, he was a cracking little character when he was a pup!


And thanks for beating U.G, you did a fine job with those hounds..... next time we will take the rest of the pack, as well as the terriers.... im looking forward to it!

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