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i can see why a lot of newbies dont post a lot ,because in some casess

some of the cliques gang up on someone who asks something or says

something wrong and they get torn to fkcn shreds for it .take a recent thread

by side by side..... The poor guy just got bulldozed out the way for his comments

Granted ferretingking said and did some stupid things he never realy got achance

to redeem himself in my opinion.until you find your footing it can be pretty daunting for a

newbie to post

in fear of a reprimanding from god knows what little gang :diablo: .my advice is post as

much as you can

the majority of people on here have good sound advice to give :rocker: and even though you ask

somthing totaly

stupid when everyones had a laugh :rofl: they will sort your probs out!they probably asked the same

questions when they started. :icon_redface:

post away people it lets people find out a bit about you and youl learn more in return :)

i was a bit slow on the off but now have a few numbers of people on the site :signthankspin:


great site a lot of good info glad to be on

:thumbs-up: :thumbs-up:

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Chay, have no fear of posting for advice....no one knows everything were all learning new things everyday...we will try to help if we can, just keep doing what your doing......hunting.....and any outing you have to share post them, any advice you may need, start a post and the members will do their best.. :thumbs-up:

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I must have read the same post differently Chav, i just read it as one person picking at his post not a clique?


Welcome back Geordie :rocker::D


ididnt mean it that a clique had a go at him i mean in general ther are cliques who do gang up

on people its usually the same ones to. but in general it can happen. :) i was just trying to show an example of someone getting ridiculed a bit and how it can be intimidating for some at least there are people willing to back oneanother up too im mearly saying my opinion :)

moderators~why does my name look like chav and not chay in my signature ive got people calling me chav and its bugging my burberry cap

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im no back im just passin thru,been doin a bit travellin hehehehe,im in hull at the mo,movin on soon tho.

Best site on the web this is,its a bit clicky but just join in,then when yer ready to do some proper untin....................................chuck out the pc and get out there flower,hehehe

And thank god for tinternet cafes,thats the only way i get on here these days,lol.

Dogs are doin brilliant and im havin fun,watch yer backs chums.

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