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First day of the season - Got 31

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Had our first day of the season today, up on Bodmin Moor. Went to some new ground with friends of a friend, but it was next to other land that I have worked before. We had 4 ferrets working, and I took my two 10 week old hob kits with us just for the ride.


Down here in Cornwall most of the rabbits live in stone & earth hedgerows called "Cornish Hedges", and there are lots of different types of hedges all round the county depending on the local soil and stone. Some have thorn bushes on top, some don't. But most farmland hedges are way too overgrown to net this early in the season. However, if you're lucky enough to get some permission up on the moors then it's great. No brambles, no thorns, very short grass, and plenty of rabbits.


Forgot to take pics of the rabbits, but I got some of the land we were working. We set pursenets with our longnets as backup. We had 31 rabbits for the day and didn't see any young ones. One milky doe in the whole lot. It's hard ground up there on the moors, and the rabbits only have one or two litters a year. But there are plenty up there if you know where to look.


Best wishes


(Sorry this I accidentally posted this twice)









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Thanks to everyone who has messaged on this post, and the other identical one I did! Seem to have uploaded it all twice by mistake!


But yes, we are lucky to have some stunning spots around here. I have been around the UK a little and there are some stunning spots all around the country. You have the mountains, the lakes, the farmland which is all so different in the different corners of the Country.


The thing I like about Cornwall is that while we don't have BIG mountains, or BIG lakes, etc. our scenery is very varied and changes so much over short distances.


All those pics shown above of Bodmin Moor, and these pics below, are within a 7 mile radius (i.e. max 14 miles apart) as the crow flies.


Can't wait for second go next weekend (hopefully).










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